Thursday, January 22, 2009

What's Your Excuse?

Exodus 3:6

And Moses hid his face for he was afraid to look upon God.

Everyday God wants to get closer to us so that he can use us to accomplish his will in the world. It is hard for us to be aware of this because we move at a frenetic pace. Sometimes we are busy because subconsciously we are trying to avoid God. If we get too still and too quiet God might catch up with us.

When God caught up with Moses it was on the backside of nowhere. He was watching sheep out in a remote area running from his past. He had taken a job that had nothing to do with his destiny, but it had prepared him for his purpose.

When God showed up, Moses hid his face from God, because he was afraid. When God shows up, it is overwhelming because his Holiness makes you painfully aware of how Unholy you are. But God is able to look beyond your faults and see your potential, but what's your excuse for him not to use you?

Moses had about five excuses or questions as to why God could not use him:

1. Who am I to tell Pharoah to let the Israelites go? Exodus 3:11 Who was Moses not to go tell Pharoah? He was in Pharoah's palace for 40 years, raised as a son of Pharoah. He was a Hebrew raised in Pharoah's court. He could identify with the elite and the oppressed. When God calls you to do something he's already exposed you to do what needs to be done.

2. Who's backing me? Exodus 3:13 Moses asks, "Who shall I say sent me?" God tells Moses, tell them I AM Who I Am sent you. In the new testament Jesus says, Greater is he that is in you than he who is in the world. When God sends you out he sends you out with his authority.

3. What if they don't believe me? Exodus 4:1 Moses needed a sign that God was with him. God gave him a staff and the ability to work signs and wonders with it. When God sends you on a mission he will bless you with a staff to work wonders. He will give you a team that will be able to accomplish his will.

4. I'm not a good speaker. Exodus 4:10 The fear of public speaking is one of the greatest phobias of most human beings. It has even been said that Moses had a speech impediment, that he had a studdering problem. I like what God told him. " I will be with your mouth and I will give you what to say." Jesus told the disciples that when they bring you before officials do not worry about what you are going to say, for God will give you what to say.

5. Please send someobdoy else. Exodus 4:13. The bible says God got angry with Moses at this point. After all the assurance that God had given him he's still making excuses. So God told him that he would send him a helper in the person of his brother Aaron. Jesus has sent us a helper as well. Before he ascended into heaven he said I will send you the Holy Spirit, the helper, who will give you power and bring back to remembrance everything I have spoken or taught you. We are never alone.

You are the change you've been looking for. Stop making excuses and follow God's lead. Take on that adversity and watch God deliver you and your people.

Dear God, you are always calling, but we are not always listening. Remove every excuse that is blocking me from my destiny. I am ready to do all that you have called me to do. I love you Lord and I am confident that he who began a good work in me will be faithful to complete it.

In Jesus Name.

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