Thursday, January 21, 2010

Surely This Thing Is Known

Exodus 2:14 Who made you a ruler and judge over us? Do you mean to kill me as you killed the Egyptians? Then Moses was afraid and thought, “Surely the thing is known.”

As I was at the airport yesterday waiting on my plane at DFW, reports of Tiger Woods at an addiction facility kept popping up with the announcer saying, “Tiger Woods is at an addiction Treatment facility in Hattiesburg, MS…sources there say that they cannot confirm or deny that Mr. Woods is in treatment there.” My thoughts were, ‘leave this man alone, and give him his space to deal with his demons and his disgrace.’

Being in the spotlight over this last decade has caused Tiger to sacrifice his anonymity which consequently bought him major endorsements, but with his affairs, cost him just as much as he gained. Just as fast as his career shot up it has come crashing down just as swift because, “surely this thing is known.”

Moses had a favored life like Tiger Woods, raised by a Hebrew mother but trained in an Egyptian household. He had the best of both worlds. He was finally becoming comfortable with who he was as both an Egyptian and a Hebrew but his duality of identity caused him to act out in anger when he saw a fellow Hebrew slave being abused by an Egyptian task master. Moses killed the Egyptian and thought he buried him in secret.

How often is it in life when we are torn between two identities? We are torn between our public selves and our private self, our perceived identity and our real identity. We are tortured over the fact that if anybody ever really knew this about me I’d probably lose some major endorsements. What threatens our identity and our endorsements are our secrets.

Anytime you ‘act out” whether it be your anger or your sexuality or any kind of bad decisions you run the risk of the thing being known. Even though you thought you killed it and buried it this thing can still be known because what you do in the dark will come to the light, somebody is always watching or somebody is always going to talk.

But wasn’t Moses just trying to help? Yes, but there is never a wrong way to do the right thing. As a result of doing the wrong thing Moses had to run for his life. Moses ran to his Purpose because of his pain. For forty years, he was raised to be a champion with a dual identity of having family members still enslaved. For the next 40 years, God would purge him of Egypt to send him back better than he was before. After this thing about you is uncovered you have the choice of running and hiding or running and having an encounter with God.

Jesus knows all about our struggles. There is nothing hidden that will not be known. It’s time to run back to God so he can send us back better than before. Because God knows you better than you know yourself it’s time to run to him because whether you know it or not ‘this thing that you are hiding, he already knows what it is.”

Dear God, you know me and yet you still love me. Reconcile my public self with my real self and make me whole. Restore me after this secret sin can be contained no longer and send me back to accomplish a higher purpose for my life.

In Jesus Name,

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