Monday, August 8, 2011

God Needs Some Facetime

Jeremiah 2:27

They say to wood, 'you are my father.' and to stone, 'you gave me birth.' They have turned their backs to me and not their faces; yet when they are in trouble, they say, 'Come and save us!'

I was talking to a member of my church who is a father of a teenage girl. He said his daughter called him the other day with excitement in her voice. He said, "I knew then she wanted something because she never really calls me." Not only did she call wanting something but it was a big ticket item, she wanted her daddy to get her a car! Prior to this the daughter had spurned any attempts at relationship from her father but when she wanted/needed something she called her father.

Does this sound familiar? often times we are the Teenager and God is the father. God only wants a relationship with us but instead we give him our back. God wants some FaceTime. When singer, Katy Perry, is out on the road she likes to talk to her husband on her IPad through FaceTime but wishes they had a 'black&white' option because, "everyday looks better in 'black&white'." Everybody looks better when they have FaceTime with God in 'black&white' with no gray areas. Those who worship God must worship him in Spirit and in truth. We ought to approach him even when we don't want anything.

When we choose other things and other people over God it's like turning our backs on God. When we worship money, fame, relationships over God, it's like choosing idols and turning our backs on God. When God requests FaceTime and we click ignore we give him our backs. In order to keep growing in grace and favor we need to seek God's face and not just his hand.

Give God your Face by:

1. Praying every morning. David said, "Daily will I seek you." God needs some face time with you. You should fall on your face and seek God early in the morning.

2. Reading scripture everyday. God's word is a lamp unto your feet and a light for your path.

3. Serving others in ministry. Jesus said, "when you do for the least of these you also do unto me." By serving others we are spending FaceTime with Jesus.

Dear God,

Today, I give you my face and not my back. You deserve more from me then just a call when I need something. Daily will I seek your face. Thank you for giving me time to be with you and to do your Holy Will.

In Jesus Name,

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