Monday, May 11, 2009

Cleaning Up The Camp

Psalm 55:12-13
For it is not an enemy who reproaches me; then I could bear it. Nor is it one who hates me who has exalted himself against me; Then I could hide from him. But it was you, a man my equal, my companion and my acquaintance.

Loyalty is so important to keep peace in your camp. Everybody around you needs to be for you or they are against you. When you are in leadership it’s important to know where your people’s hearts are. It’s one thing to fight with the enemy on the outside but it’s a whole other fight when the one who calls himself a friend is doing you harm. Its time to clean up the camp.

This Psalm was written by David at one of the most chaotic moments in his life. His son Absalom had taken over Israel in a rebellion. He had also slept with David’s concubines in a tent in broad daylight. Many of his top officials defected and turned against David, but David fled and let time and consequence take effect. It was a good time for David to see who was with him and who was against him. He was able to quell the rebellion but he gave instruction not to kill his son Absalom. Joab didn’t listen but killed Absalom anyway. When David writes about his friend who exalted himself against him I don’t think he was talking about Absalom but Joab. Joab had killed three people that David told him plainly not to. He started doing things the way he wanted to not the way David told him to.

When the people who are close to you start doing things the opposite from the way you told them to then it's time to clean up your camp. How do you know when to clean up the camp? What are the signs?

1. Because they do not change. Psalm 55:19a. David gave Joab chance after chance to show that he was loyal to David, but somewhere in Joab's mind he knew better than the King did. Everybody can’t handle power. Some of the People in your entourage are not going to change. They can’t handle the power that comes along with rolling with you. Over time they have created a pattern of dysfunction and the more you tell them to change they refuse. They have to go.

2. They do not fear God. Psalm 55:19b. When there is behavior contrary to the will of God in the lives of those closest to you and you have warned them not to do it, you have no choice but to get them out of your camp. The anointing on your life is too important to have people around you that don’t fear God. Fearing God is having reverence for His Word and His Will. If they don’t fear God, they are putting your life in danger.

3. Their words don’t match their hearts. The words of his mouth were smoother than butter, but war was in his heart; His words were softer than oil, yet they were drawn swords. One of my mentors told me to watch out for people on my team who have false humility. They are sitting down on the outside but standing up on the inside. You can usually tell these people because every time you talk to them there is push back and they do things opposite from the way you discussed. Jesus said, “Your lips say you love me but your heart is far from me.”

David cleaned up his camp by:

1. Replacing Joab in Leadership, (but he killed Amasa his replacement). David had to finally tell Solomon to have Joab killed.

2. Confronting Mephibosheth. You remember Mephibosheth the lame son of Jonathan whom David brought around the table. When David fled,he stayed behind. He stayed behind because Ziba tricked him and to show his support, Mephibosheth didn’t shave, didn’t wash his clothes until David came back. He was Loyal, even though he couldn’t move,he didn’t switch his allegiance. David rewarded him by giving him his land back.

3. Putting his concubines in seclusion for the rest of their lives to live as Widows for having sex with his son. Some of the people you were intimate with and betrayed you need to be secluded. They need to get out of your camp and focus on those who have been faithful to you.

Dear God, give me discernment to know who is with me and who is just pretending. Clean my camp from those who are using smooth words, but war is in their hearts. Surround me with people who fear you and love me unconditionally, but ultimately I will trust in you the most.

In Jesus Name,

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