Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Balaam Beat His Ass!

God 's angel said to him: "Why have you beaten your poor donkey these three times? I have come here to block your way because you're getting way ahead of yourself. The donkey saw me and turned away from me these three times. If she hadn't, I would have killed you by this time, but not the donkey. I would have let her off." (Numbers 22:32, 33 MSG)

There are times when God is trying to get our attention and we are so focused on what we want that we fail to see the warning signs. God always sends warning before destruction but we can sometimes miss it because our minds are already made up. What's crazy is that we will often times start beating on the one that's trying to help us.

The King of Moab wanted Baalam to put a curse on Israel on their way to the Promised Land. God warned Baalam that Israel was already Blessed by him and that Baalam should not have anything to do with King Balak or with cursing Israel. Baalam went with Balak's men anyway but on his way riding on his Ass (donkey), his Ass saw an Angel standing on the road with a sword ready to kill Baalam but the Donkey went off the Road and Baalam beat his Ass. He did this again and scraped his leg. Then a third time the Angel was in a narrow path and his Ass could not turn to the left or to the right, so his Ass bowed down before the Angel of The Lord because she had better sense than Baalam.

Sometimes God will save you by using the people or things you are mistreating. If it had not been for Baalam's donkey God would have killed Baalam because his path was reckless. Three ways you know God might be opposed to your path.

1. You get off track. If you look up and you're not headed in the direction you intended it could be that there is something God does not want you to be a part of. God will take your Ass in a different direction to save you.

2. You might get injured on your way to the wrong place. Sometimes your Ass will run into something that will hurt you to keep God from destroying you.

3. Sometimes God will bring your Ass to a halt and make you bow down. When we realize what God saved you from it's enough to make you bow down and Worship him!

Thank you God for Saving me when I was headed in the wrong direction. Thank you for intervening when I couldn't see my way. I'm grateful for another chance to head in a New Direction!

In Jesus Name,


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