Wednesday, October 21, 2009

On Your Feet!

Acts 14:9-10
He listened to Paul as he was speaking, and Paul, looking at him intently and seeing that he had faith to be healed said in a loud voice, “Stand upright on your feet,” and the man sprang up and began to walk.

Whenever someone of a higher rank comes into the presence of soldiers, someone would yell to them, “On your feet, look Alive!” The soldiers would scramble to their feet and stand at attention in respect for their superiors.

When God comes into our room we ought to stand on our feet and be ready to do what he says to do. When we are standing on our feet, we are in a position of readiness. Today ought to be a day where you stand on your feet.

For some of us, we might not feel like we can get up. We are in a lame situation. We’ve been down for so long we feel like our muscles have atrophied. Unemployment has a lot of people feeling lame. High Costs of living make us feel lame. This recession has us feeling like, “Why get up?” But I hear God saying, “On your feet!”

Paul and Barnabas were teaching in Lystra and there was a man that had been lame since birth, but the writer says he was listening.

1. The first step in curing lameness is listening to the Word of God. Something in what they were preaching stirred this man’s soul. What you listen to determines how fast you get up.

2. He was looking with the expectancy of healing. He had that look. When you look for a job are you expecting to get hired? When you go to the doctor are you expecting to get healed?

3. He obeyed the man of God. Paul said, “Stand upright on your feet!” He sprang up and began to walk. Today, you need to get on your feet and walk. Get on your feet and walk to that job interview. Get on our feet and go to class. Get on your feet and go workout. Go get your blessing!

When God speaks through the man of God you have to get upright on your feet. Today is the day to get on your feet and expect a miracle.

Dear God, I’m ready to get on my feet and start walking. I’m ready for my healing and to head in a New Direction from the inside out. Strengthen my legs so I can make the journey. I’m ready to jump up and reach my destiny.

In Jesus Name,


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