Monday, November 23, 2009

Your Friend Is The Devil?!

Matthew 16:23
He turned and said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me, for you are setting your mind not on divine things but on human things.”

No one in their right mind would be-friend Satan. There is no way in the world we would knowingly be in fellowship with Satan but unbeknownst to us some of us are friends with the devil. Satan is the father of lies and he tells you half the truth which always leads to a whole lie. If you are not spiritually alert that lying sprit can get on your friends and they can be used of the devil to change your direction. This is his most dangerous method. He will advise you through the people closest to you.

Peter was one of Jesus’ closest disciples. When Jesus plainly told His disciples He had to die and be raised on the third day, Peter strongly objected and said, “That ain’t going to happen!” Now, in the natural, that sounds like loving advice from a concerned friend but Jesus strongly rebukes Peter by saying, “Get behind me Satan!” This sounds pretty rough for a friend, but He wasn’t talking to Peter, He was talking to Satan. Peter who was emotionally vulnerable was allowing Satan to try to discourage Jesus for his own selfish reasons. Jesus recognized this and spoke directly to the source of this selfishness, “Satan get thee behind me!”

Whenever you have a friend or close companion whose mind is set on human things over divine things then they could be used by Satan and not even know it until you say something in opposition to their selfish request. As sweet as it may sound, you better recognize who’s really talking. You have a destiny that transcends comfort and convenience. Whenever anybody tries to talk you out of your God given assignment they are being used by Satan and your friend is influenced by the devil.

Now you don’t have to kill the friendship but you do want to kill the spirit of demonic influence by rebuking them right away.

1. Discern God’s voice over Satan’s voice. This can be tricky because the devil knows the Word too. You always have to know the Word yourself so that you can bring it back to remembrance to confirm what God has spoken to you over against what your “friend” is saying.

2. Rebuke Satan’s voice without condemning your friend. Everybody is capable of getting “besides” themselves in a moment of human culpability.

3. Point your friend in the Right direction. Even after Jesus told Peter that he had to die and rebuked Satan’s advice through him, Peter still tried to stop Jesus arrest by cutting off the ear of the guard. Jesus had to point His friend in the right direction as He was getting ready to fulfill His destiny, “put away your sword Peter, those who live by the sword will die by the sword.” This ain’t that type of fight. We fight not against flesh and blood but against dark powers and principalities in high places.

Dear God, help me to hear your voice above all others today. Let me speak truth in love to my friends when they speak the opposite of Your will for my life. Jesus is my friend that sticks closer than any brother. I will trust in the Lord till I die! Thank you Jesus for speaking truth in my life. Speak Lord for your servant is listening to you!

In Jesus Name,

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