Friday, April 10, 2009

Hiding Behind Baggage

I Samuel 10:22
So they inquired further of the Lord, “Has the man come here yet?” And the Lord said, “Yes, he has hidden himself among the baggage.”

God chooses the most unlikely of people to anoint and use to lead his people. He is not a respecter of persons. It makes no difference what your background is or how obscure your family lineage, if God wants to use you he will.

Who would have thought God would pick a son of a white woman and an African from Kenya, who was a “community organizer” to be our 44th President? Nobody but God. Just like Saul, Barack Obama stood out a head taller than the rest. “That One” seems to be divinely chosen by God to lead our country for such a time as this. Not because he is divine, but that God wants to do something redemptive through the least likely of people.

The Israelites had asked for a new king and God gave them their request. He was a man from the smallest tribe and the least significant clan, but he stood taller than anybody else. It goes to show that it doesn’t matter what your background is as long as you stand taller than the rest.

When the prophet saw him God confirmed that Saul would be the new King. Samuel anointed him and began to prophecy to him the signs of confirmation. He told Saul that the power of the Holy Spirit would come upon him and would be changed. That is really the differentiating factor that enabled this man of great potential to be king but even with all the signs and wonders this young man still doubted that he could be King. On the day of his coronation, he couldn’t be found. They asked, “Is he here?” God said, “Yes, he has hidden himself behind the baggage.” It’s almost like Adam when God came looking for him after his fall from dominion, he’s hiding because he was ashamed of his Nakedness. God asked him, “Who told you that you were Naked?” It wasn’t until Satan deceived Adam into thinking he could be equal to God that Adam or man had to start hiding himself. Because of our insecurities and inadequacies we hide from God even when we know he called us. We hide behind baggage when:

1. When we allow the past to hold us from our future. We have all sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God but we can’t allow our mistakes to hide from his presence.

2. When we allow habits to stop us from being our best. We can’t let our hang ups and habits hinder us from all that God would allow us to be.

3. When we allow insecurities form allowing us to lead. God does not call the equipped, but he equips the called. God will never call you where his grace cannot keep you.

4. When we allow other people’s opinions or thoughts about our capabilities to shape our confidence or lack thereof. We cannot allow the prejudices or ignorance of others to seep in on our self-awareness. Don’t measure yourselves amongst yourselves or you will always come up short even though in reality you stand amongst the rest.
Come out from the baggage and do what God has anointed you to do.

Dear God, please give me the confidence and power through your Spirit to come out of the baggage that could block my destiny. Bring out the fullness of my potential and don’t let me shrink back into the dysfunctions of my past and miss the wonderful opportunities in my future. Anoint me and call me out.

In Jesus Name.

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