Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Unveiled Faces

2 Corinthians 3:18
And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s Glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing Glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.
When you are in Christ you don’t have anything to hide. Some people feel like they have to put up a front or wear a mask because they don’t want people to see who they really are, you are not really seen until you can remove your veil and be your authentic self in Christ Jesus.
God wants you to be who you “is” not who you “ain’t.
When Moses received the Ten Commandments from God he came down the Mountain with his face glowing. The people were so intimidated that he had to veil his face to make them comfortable. How many of us have had to cover up God’s Glory to make other people comfortable?
The light was a reminder of God’s Judgment and caused the people to fear God’s Glory but when we are in relationship with Jesus our glow is a reminder of his Grace. When you truly reflect the Glory of God and you have a relationship with Jesus your light actually draws people without intimidating them.

In order to adequately reflect his Grace on our face we should:
  1. Unveil our faces. There’s no need to hide when our conscience is clear in Christ. Christians should be approachable and accessible. People should be able to see God in us.
  2. Reflect the Lord’s Glory. The light that God gives us is a reflection of him and not us. If we are shining it’s because we are standing in the light of Jesus. We have no light of our own. Only what we do for Christ will last.
  3. Be transformed into his likeness. The More time we spend with Jesus the more we should look like him and people recognize us less and less.
  4. Be filled with the Spirit. The way that we continue to shine and live unveiled lives is when we are led and filled by the Holy Spirit. We have to make sure that we feed the Spirit more than we feed the flesh.
Dear God,

I pray that you would remove the veil from my face and let my authentic self shine through. Help me to decrease so that you can increase. This little light of mine I’m going to let shine everywhere I go. Please remove my veil even as you transform me into the likeness of my lord and savior.
In Jesus Name,

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