Monday, June 6, 2011

You're Closer Than You Think!

Ephesians 2:13
But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near through the blood of Christ.

When I was riding in the passenger seat of my car the other day I noticed the writing on the side mirror, “Objects in the mirror are closer than they appear.” Sometimes, when you look in the mirror it may appear that the car is further back and you can have an accident trying to get over when in fact the car is closer than you thought it was. Sometimes, when we look in our mirror we are looking at what is coming up on us or what we left behind. Just be aware that what you see in the mirror is closer than it appears.

When we look in the mirror every morning we are looking at where we have come from and where we are going. Both of them are closer than they appear. Your past made you who you are but it doesn’t stop you from going forward. As you're merging into the next lane of your life just be sure you gauge the proximity of your past with the space allotted for your future. You are closer than you think.

The person that bridges you to your future is Jesus Christ. He is Alpha and Omega. He knows your beginning from your end. We used to be far away from God because of the sin in our past but now we are closer to salvation than ever before because of Jesus. Through his death on the cross Jesus closed the gap between us and God. We are closer than ever to our purpose when we acknowledge the sacrifice of Jesus in shedding his blood to cleanse us so we could come closer to the will of God in our lives. You are closer than you think.

How are we closer than ever before?

1. Jesus destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility. When Jesus died the curtain separating the Holy of holies from the common people was torn into. Jesus death brought us closer to God by removing that which separated us. V. 14

2. Jesus abolished the Law and gave us grace. Grace is unmerited favor. God does things for us because of what Jesus did on the cross. He took our sins into himself and died so that we might live. V. 15

3. Jesus reconciled us to God through the cross. The love that Jesus expressed on the cross by dying for our sins drew us back to the heart of God. V. 16
Today, you need to realize that you are closer to your destiny than you have ever been. Look in the mirror and tell yourself I’m closer to God today because of Jesus. Your past is behind you and your future is brighter. Keep driving forward knowing that you are almost there. Don’t wreck looking at your past, go forward into your future. You are closer than ever.

Dear God,

Thank you for getting me closer to my destiny through the loving sacrifice of Jesus. I’m determined to get there and I will not stop until I get to where you want me to be. Today I’m putting one foot in front of the other as I make another step toward my purpose. Thanks for getting me closer than I’ve ever been before.

In Jesus Name,


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