They overcame him (satan) by the Blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.
It seems that we are living in the last days. There is so much godless behavior, no respect for life, satan seems to be having a field day deceiving the masses and accusing the brethren. It's almost as if people are ashamed to be indentified as Christians. We have so misrepresented the name that I’m embarrassed myself. I’m not embarrassed of Jesus, but as his representatives, we haven’t done a good job. We’ve either been so conservatively cold that nobody passes our hypocritical lens of judgment or we’ve been so liberally lukewarm that we’ve allowed everything to go on under our watch.
We’ve kept the law without keeping the Sprit of the law. We’ve taken the love out of our faith. If we are going to overcome the world and keep our faith we have got to overcome the devil and prove him to be the liar we know him to be.
Here’s how we overcome:
The Blood of the Lamb. The blood of Jesus is what cleanses us from our sins and redeems us from death. It was the only perfect sacrifice that could free us from the penalty of our sins. The blood of Jesus keeps death from having the last say so.
The word of our Testimony. You can’t have a testimony without a test. We must prove ourselves faithful so that those who are watching can be blessed by how we pull through what we are going through.
They didn’t shrink back. Jesus said that those who try to save their lives shall lose it but those who lose their lives for his sake shall find it. We can shrink back in the threat of losing something. If I got to lose it to keep Jesus then it wasn’t worth having.
Dear God,
Give us the ability to overcome the deceit of this world by making sure we are covered by the blood of Jesus. Help us to endure our trials and tribulation so that on the other side of what we are going through we can have a testimony about your goodness. I will not shrink back until you come back!
In Jesus Name,
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Where Do Prayers Go?
Revelation 8:4
The smoke of the incense together with the prayers of the saints, went up before God from the angels hand.
How many times have you wondered where your prayers go? How can God hear all of us at the same time? Is God listening? The question is not ‘Is God listening, but rather, ‘Are we praying?’ We have not, because we ask not and when we ask we must believe that God is able to do what it is we are asking him to do. It is impossible to please God without faith. When we pray or talk to God our prayers go up collectively into the throne of God.
When we come together in two’s and three’s, touching and agreeing there is a collective power that is stronger than if we prayed alone. John said, “the prayers of the saints went up before God from the angel’s hand!” There is an angel collecting your prayers and hand delivering them to God. In the proper time, God releases those prayers back to earth in the form of a response. Prayers go up to heaven and God sends back a response.
The old folks said that, “prayer changes things!” Prayer can also:
1. Cause Healing. James 5:14-15
2. Pray can get you out of a bind. Acts 12:5
3. Prayer can end demonic activity. Mark 9:25-29
4. Prayer Get’s God involved. Exodus 17:4-6
Dear God,
Thank you for hearing our prayers. It is my desire to increase my prayers so that our faith will increase, and healing increase, and blessings increase. Father teach us how to pray and what to pray so that heaven can release what we need. I’m excited today to know that the fervent and effective prayers of the righteous availeth much, I’m also excited that you hear a sinner’s prayer. Thank you for hearing mine.
In Jesus Name,
The smoke of the incense together with the prayers of the saints, went up before God from the angels hand.
How many times have you wondered where your prayers go? How can God hear all of us at the same time? Is God listening? The question is not ‘Is God listening, but rather, ‘Are we praying?’ We have not, because we ask not and when we ask we must believe that God is able to do what it is we are asking him to do. It is impossible to please God without faith. When we pray or talk to God our prayers go up collectively into the throne of God.
When we come together in two’s and three’s, touching and agreeing there is a collective power that is stronger than if we prayed alone. John said, “the prayers of the saints went up before God from the angel’s hand!” There is an angel collecting your prayers and hand delivering them to God. In the proper time, God releases those prayers back to earth in the form of a response. Prayers go up to heaven and God sends back a response.
The old folks said that, “prayer changes things!” Prayer can also:
1. Cause Healing. James 5:14-15
2. Pray can get you out of a bind. Acts 12:5
3. Prayer can end demonic activity. Mark 9:25-29
4. Prayer Get’s God involved. Exodus 17:4-6
Dear God,
Thank you for hearing our prayers. It is my desire to increase my prayers so that our faith will increase, and healing increase, and blessings increase. Father teach us how to pray and what to pray so that heaven can release what we need. I’m excited today to know that the fervent and effective prayers of the righteous availeth much, I’m also excited that you hear a sinner’s prayer. Thank you for hearing mine.
In Jesus Name,
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
It's Time to Return
Revelation 2:4-5
4 Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken the love you had at first. 5 Consider how far you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first. If you do not repent, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place.
Watching people addicted to drugs on the TV show Intervention reminds me of what a lot Christians might look like to God. Like the addicts, we really don’t know how far gone we are because we no longer have the ability to see ourselves. We are in danger of losing our “healthy shame.” Healthy shame keeps us within the limitations of God’s holiness; toxic shame takes us outside the limitations and leads to death. When we go beyond our limitations it leads to sin. Sin will take you further than you want to go, keep you longer than you want to stay and make you pay more than you want to pay. Thank God we have an interventionist! God sends the Holy Spirit to remind us just how far we’ve fallen from our place in God.
This is a good time to make an assessment of our lives to see how far or how close we are to God. All of us have sinned and fallen short of God’s Glory but now it’s time to get back to where we need to be. The first step to recovery is to admit that our lives have become unmanageable.
When we are out of control we end up hurting the people we say we love the most. Sin will make you forget your first love and walk away from the one that loves you the most. Our first love is Jesus. There is no greater feeling than the unconditional love of Jesus. He loved you when nobody else thought you were loveable. He took the risk of dying for us hoping that we would love him back. He’s done so much for us and I have failed to love him back to the degree that he loved me. Jesus said, “If you love me, keep my commandments, “I’ve got to return to my first love! If you are like me then you’ve gotten to the end of this year and realized I am nowhere near where I should be in God. Sin has taken me further than I wanted to go, made me stay longer than I wanted to stay, and made me pay more than I wanted to pay, it’s time for me to get back to where I was in God. This is how:
1. Remember the height from which you have fallen. Remembering means looking back on where you were when you first gave your life to Jesus Christ and look at where you are now. What’s different? Do you remember when you first accepted Jesus and how on fire you were?! God’s fire consumed every part of my being, I couldn’t think about anything but Jesus. I’ve let too many distractions interrupt my relationship with Jesus. I got to return to my First Love!
2. Repent. Turn away from the things that took you away from Jesus. Once you turn away from something that is destroying you, you cannot go back to it.
3. Do the things you did at first. Experience God in Worship every Sunday. Empower yourself in Biblestudy. Engage in ministry and missions by serving other people.
Dear God,
I don’t want you to take my light or my fire. I’m ready to be committed like I was at first. You are my first love and I miss you. I miss talking to you like I used to. I miss the closeness we used to have. I want you back in my life fulltime. Nothing else matters. I love you more than this and that. You deserve all of me and not some of me. I’m not going to tell you that I love you, I’m getting ready to show you. Use me to the fullest this year. Even if I have to lose some friends, use me. Even if I don’t get invited to some places, use me. Even if I have to walk by myself, use me. I remember who I am now, but more than that I remember how much you love me. I love you Jesus and I’m sorry for falling off.
In Jesus Name,
4 Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken the love you had at first. 5 Consider how far you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first. If you do not repent, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place.
Watching people addicted to drugs on the TV show Intervention reminds me of what a lot Christians might look like to God. Like the addicts, we really don’t know how far gone we are because we no longer have the ability to see ourselves. We are in danger of losing our “healthy shame.” Healthy shame keeps us within the limitations of God’s holiness; toxic shame takes us outside the limitations and leads to death. When we go beyond our limitations it leads to sin. Sin will take you further than you want to go, keep you longer than you want to stay and make you pay more than you want to pay. Thank God we have an interventionist! God sends the Holy Spirit to remind us just how far we’ve fallen from our place in God.
This is a good time to make an assessment of our lives to see how far or how close we are to God. All of us have sinned and fallen short of God’s Glory but now it’s time to get back to where we need to be. The first step to recovery is to admit that our lives have become unmanageable.
When we are out of control we end up hurting the people we say we love the most. Sin will make you forget your first love and walk away from the one that loves you the most. Our first love is Jesus. There is no greater feeling than the unconditional love of Jesus. He loved you when nobody else thought you were loveable. He took the risk of dying for us hoping that we would love him back. He’s done so much for us and I have failed to love him back to the degree that he loved me. Jesus said, “If you love me, keep my commandments, “I’ve got to return to my first love! If you are like me then you’ve gotten to the end of this year and realized I am nowhere near where I should be in God. Sin has taken me further than I wanted to go, made me stay longer than I wanted to stay, and made me pay more than I wanted to pay, it’s time for me to get back to where I was in God. This is how:
1. Remember the height from which you have fallen. Remembering means looking back on where you were when you first gave your life to Jesus Christ and look at where you are now. What’s different? Do you remember when you first accepted Jesus and how on fire you were?! God’s fire consumed every part of my being, I couldn’t think about anything but Jesus. I’ve let too many distractions interrupt my relationship with Jesus. I got to return to my First Love!
2. Repent. Turn away from the things that took you away from Jesus. Once you turn away from something that is destroying you, you cannot go back to it.
3. Do the things you did at first. Experience God in Worship every Sunday. Empower yourself in Biblestudy. Engage in ministry and missions by serving other people.
Dear God,
I don’t want you to take my light or my fire. I’m ready to be committed like I was at first. You are my first love and I miss you. I miss talking to you like I used to. I miss the closeness we used to have. I want you back in my life fulltime. Nothing else matters. I love you more than this and that. You deserve all of me and not some of me. I’m not going to tell you that I love you, I’m getting ready to show you. Use me to the fullest this year. Even if I have to lose some friends, use me. Even if I don’t get invited to some places, use me. Even if I have to walk by myself, use me. I remember who I am now, but more than that I remember how much you love me. I love you Jesus and I’m sorry for falling off.
In Jesus Name,
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
This Is Not The Time for Jesus!
John 7:6
Therefore Jesus told them, “The right time for me has not yet come, for you anytime is right.”
We are living in a time of expectancy. People are waiting on change, waiting on jobs, waiting on Jesus. Two or Three times this year someone has wrongly predicted the world ending or Jesus coming back. Advent is a season of expecting the Holy. We ought to be looking for Jesus while realizing that this is not the time for Jesus.
What?! This is not the time for Jesus?! We are trying to put Jesus on our timetable but not live our lives on his time frame. There is something we want to happen right now and Jesus says, “This is not my time for that.” It’s going to happen but God is not going to let it happen until the right time.
Jesus’ brothers wanted Jesus to be a politician or a public figure. ‘They wanted him to show off the miracles for the religious people at the feast of Tabernacles. They said, “You ought to leave here and go to Judea, so that your disciples may see the miracles you do. No one who wants to become a public figure acts in secret.” They assumed that Jesus was doing what he was doing for vainglory, they assumed Jesus came to entertain; they assumed that Jesus had a personal agenda and not a Kingdom agenda. This wasn’t the time for Jesus to seek political popularity, or participate in religious entertainment. What’s most revealing is that John says that Jesus’ brothers didn’t even believe in him. Why would they by pushing him into the spotlight and they didn’t even believe in him?
If you are not careful you will have people who are close to you but don’t believe in you to push you into something that is not your time to do nor your purpose. Jesus had a firm understanding of Why God sent him, so much so that he didn’t even let his brothers pressure him into something that was not his time to do. Do you have a close enough relationship with God to know what time it is?
Jesus said, “The Right time for me has not yet come, for you any time is right.” Instead of letting people talking you into moving before it’s time to move you should:
1. Be clear on who you are. Jesus knew that he had been sent by God for the lost sheep of Israel first and then to the gentiles. He knew that his Kingdom was not of this world.
2. Be anxious for nothing. Just because everybody around you is anxious doesn’t mean that has to move you. God will keep you in perfect peace when your mind is stayed on him.
3. Be Still and know that he is God. The Holy Spirit will lead you to move when it’s time to move, not until.
4. Be Sober and Alert. You won't know what time it is if you are drunk or high. Make sure your mind is clear.
5. Be ready when Jesus comes. The bible says that Jesus will come back like a thief in the night. No man knows the hour, nor the day when Jesus shall return. You just need to be ready.
Dear God,
Thank you for helping me to discern the times. There are so many people in my ear that I got me times confused but this morning I’m setting my watch to you. I will not move until you say it’s time.
In Jesus Name,
Therefore Jesus told them, “The right time for me has not yet come, for you anytime is right.”
We are living in a time of expectancy. People are waiting on change, waiting on jobs, waiting on Jesus. Two or Three times this year someone has wrongly predicted the world ending or Jesus coming back. Advent is a season of expecting the Holy. We ought to be looking for Jesus while realizing that this is not the time for Jesus.
What?! This is not the time for Jesus?! We are trying to put Jesus on our timetable but not live our lives on his time frame. There is something we want to happen right now and Jesus says, “This is not my time for that.” It’s going to happen but God is not going to let it happen until the right time.
Jesus’ brothers wanted Jesus to be a politician or a public figure. ‘They wanted him to show off the miracles for the religious people at the feast of Tabernacles. They said, “You ought to leave here and go to Judea, so that your disciples may see the miracles you do. No one who wants to become a public figure acts in secret.” They assumed that Jesus was doing what he was doing for vainglory, they assumed Jesus came to entertain; they assumed that Jesus had a personal agenda and not a Kingdom agenda. This wasn’t the time for Jesus to seek political popularity, or participate in religious entertainment. What’s most revealing is that John says that Jesus’ brothers didn’t even believe in him. Why would they by pushing him into the spotlight and they didn’t even believe in him?
If you are not careful you will have people who are close to you but don’t believe in you to push you into something that is not your time to do nor your purpose. Jesus had a firm understanding of Why God sent him, so much so that he didn’t even let his brothers pressure him into something that was not his time to do. Do you have a close enough relationship with God to know what time it is?
Jesus said, “The Right time for me has not yet come, for you any time is right.” Instead of letting people talking you into moving before it’s time to move you should:
1. Be clear on who you are. Jesus knew that he had been sent by God for the lost sheep of Israel first and then to the gentiles. He knew that his Kingdom was not of this world.
2. Be anxious for nothing. Just because everybody around you is anxious doesn’t mean that has to move you. God will keep you in perfect peace when your mind is stayed on him.
3. Be Still and know that he is God. The Holy Spirit will lead you to move when it’s time to move, not until.
4. Be Sober and Alert. You won't know what time it is if you are drunk or high. Make sure your mind is clear.
5. Be ready when Jesus comes. The bible says that Jesus will come back like a thief in the night. No man knows the hour, nor the day when Jesus shall return. You just need to be ready.
Dear God,
Thank you for helping me to discern the times. There are so many people in my ear that I got me times confused but this morning I’m setting my watch to you. I will not move until you say it’s time.
In Jesus Name,
Thursday, December 15, 2011
I've Got to Pass This Test!
James 1:2-3
Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.
So many students are taking tests this week for final exams and mid-terms. Before they can advance to the next level they must pass the test covering the material they’ve been going over. The teacher wants to know if they have retained the information that has been given.
There are not too many people who are excited about tests but Paul says, “Consider it pure Joy whenever you face trials of many kinds.” Why in the world would I be Joyful when I’m going through trials and tests? Because it’s not the test, its what happens after I pass my test that I’m Joyful?
Not only that but when I’ve studied to show myself approved and the word is in me then I have a confidence that supersedes my anxiety of the test. Plus, its an open book test! God’s word is what gets me through my test.
When we go through our tests it develops something inside of us. When we go through hard times something is taking place that is making us better. The Holy Spirit is bringing back to remembrance everything you’ve been taught and your ability to persevere begins to grow. Perseverance is being able to bear difficulties calmly and without complaint. It means to persist in anything undertaken, maintain a purpose in spite of a difficulty, obstacle, or discouragement.
Once we pass this test the next level is spiritual maturity and having no lack. It’s time to pass this test!
Dear God,
Help me to pass my test today so that I can go to the next level in my living. Help me to maintain my purpose in spite of what I might encounter today. Grant us wisdom to not only pass but to be at the top of our class.
In Jesus Name,
Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.
So many students are taking tests this week for final exams and mid-terms. Before they can advance to the next level they must pass the test covering the material they’ve been going over. The teacher wants to know if they have retained the information that has been given.
There are not too many people who are excited about tests but Paul says, “Consider it pure Joy whenever you face trials of many kinds.” Why in the world would I be Joyful when I’m going through trials and tests? Because it’s not the test, its what happens after I pass my test that I’m Joyful?
Not only that but when I’ve studied to show myself approved and the word is in me then I have a confidence that supersedes my anxiety of the test. Plus, its an open book test! God’s word is what gets me through my test.
When we go through our tests it develops something inside of us. When we go through hard times something is taking place that is making us better. The Holy Spirit is bringing back to remembrance everything you’ve been taught and your ability to persevere begins to grow. Perseverance is being able to bear difficulties calmly and without complaint. It means to persist in anything undertaken, maintain a purpose in spite of a difficulty, obstacle, or discouragement.
Once we pass this test the next level is spiritual maturity and having no lack. It’s time to pass this test!
Dear God,
Help me to pass my test today so that I can go to the next level in my living. Help me to maintain my purpose in spite of what I might encounter today. Grant us wisdom to not only pass but to be at the top of our class.
In Jesus Name,
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Keep Me From Falling
Jude 1:24
To him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and great joy.
So many great men and women of God, pastors, and leaders, have fallen in recent years. There’s no need to call their names because the media has already done a good enough job in parading their shame. The world seems to get great joy when Christians fall from Grace. It seems Americans in general get great satisfaction in seeing each other fall. There is some kind of built in “knee jerk” reaction to want to laugh when we see someone fall. However, the older we get the less likely we are to laugh at the fall because through empathy we realize that the older we get the harder it gets to recover from a fall.
When I taught my sons how to ride a bike, I took the training wheels off. I held them up by their seats so that they wouldn’t fall but eventually I had to let them go so that they could learn how to ride by themselves. When they inevitably fell I made sure I was close enough to catch them so they wouldn’t feel the full impact of the fall. When I wasn’t close because they had created distance through progress and they fell, I came to the rescue to pick them up after the fall.
God is the same way! He’s able to keep you from falling but sometimes we get ahead of God and fall on our own. Sometimes, he has to allow us to fall so that we can become stronger. Les Brown said, “It’s alright to fall as long as you pick up something while you’re down there.” The good thing about God is that even when you fall he’s close enough to make sure you don’t experience the full impact of the fall and he’s able to restore you back to your rightful place if you repent.
Through Jesus Christ, God restores us so that we are presentable. We are justified. God makes us look brand new, just as if we never fell, without fault and with great Joy.
Today, I give you to God. I present you to the one who is able to keep you from falling. As you set out on your journey today just know that God is right behind you and he will not let you fall.
Dear God,
Thank you for keeping me from falling. Please keep me each day so that I will not fall but instead finish strong.
In Jesus Name,
To him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and great joy.
So many great men and women of God, pastors, and leaders, have fallen in recent years. There’s no need to call their names because the media has already done a good enough job in parading their shame. The world seems to get great joy when Christians fall from Grace. It seems Americans in general get great satisfaction in seeing each other fall. There is some kind of built in “knee jerk” reaction to want to laugh when we see someone fall. However, the older we get the less likely we are to laugh at the fall because through empathy we realize that the older we get the harder it gets to recover from a fall.
When I taught my sons how to ride a bike, I took the training wheels off. I held them up by their seats so that they wouldn’t fall but eventually I had to let them go so that they could learn how to ride by themselves. When they inevitably fell I made sure I was close enough to catch them so they wouldn’t feel the full impact of the fall. When I wasn’t close because they had created distance through progress and they fell, I came to the rescue to pick them up after the fall.
God is the same way! He’s able to keep you from falling but sometimes we get ahead of God and fall on our own. Sometimes, he has to allow us to fall so that we can become stronger. Les Brown said, “It’s alright to fall as long as you pick up something while you’re down there.” The good thing about God is that even when you fall he’s close enough to make sure you don’t experience the full impact of the fall and he’s able to restore you back to your rightful place if you repent.
Through Jesus Christ, God restores us so that we are presentable. We are justified. God makes us look brand new, just as if we never fell, without fault and with great Joy.
Today, I give you to God. I present you to the one who is able to keep you from falling. As you set out on your journey today just know that God is right behind you and he will not let you fall.
Dear God,
Thank you for keeping me from falling. Please keep me each day so that I will not fall but instead finish strong.
In Jesus Name,
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Don't Divorce Jesus!
Don’t Divorce Jesus!
Hebrews 10:25
Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the day approaching.
It’s no surprise that one of the biggest contributing factors in divorce is finances. When times get hard financially it can cause conflict between the spouses but when the two of them have love and faith in each other they are more likely to pull together and make it through. Then there are other couples who don’t have a strong relationship and their faith waivers which could lead to divorce.
During this recession there has been a strain on marriages. One particular marriage that has been strained more than any other seems to be between Jesus and his bride, the church. As followers of Christ, we make up the church, we are the bride of Christ, but during hard times it appears that many of us have become the “Runaway Bride.” If we can stop coming to church during this recession because we are financially strained we have to stop and ask ourselves, “Did we really love Jesus or were we just with him for his money? “ I think some pastors have over promised which makes Jesus look like he under delivered but the truth of the matter is that Jesus has been faithful and should not be divorced.
When we are married we make vows. We are supposed to stay together in good times and in bad times, in plenty, and in want, in sickness and in health and nothing should separate us from the Love of God, not even death. But when we walk away from the church for any reason other than adultery (worshipping false gods) we commit adultery and if we substitute that relationship with anything else that becomes spiritual adultery.
This is not the time to divorce Jesus, especially at Christmas! Many people have got in the habit of not coming to church. This is the time that the bride of Christ should draw closer to Jesus. This is the time we need each other the most!
Instead of leaving the church and divorcing Jesus we should:
Draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith. Verse 22
1. Hold unswervingly to the hope we profess. Verse 23
2. Let us spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Verse 24
3. Attend church on a regular basis and encourage each other. Verse 25
4. Don’t keep on sinning or else Jesus will divorce us. Verse 25
Dear God,
You have been faithful to us more than we have been faithful to you. I pray that you would reach those who’ve gotten in the habit of missing church and bring them back home. Keep us together during these tough times, knowing that trouble don’t last always. We will be faithful and we will wait in excitement for the groom to return.
In Jesus Name,
Hebrews 10:25
Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the day approaching.
It’s no surprise that one of the biggest contributing factors in divorce is finances. When times get hard financially it can cause conflict between the spouses but when the two of them have love and faith in each other they are more likely to pull together and make it through. Then there are other couples who don’t have a strong relationship and their faith waivers which could lead to divorce.
During this recession there has been a strain on marriages. One particular marriage that has been strained more than any other seems to be between Jesus and his bride, the church. As followers of Christ, we make up the church, we are the bride of Christ, but during hard times it appears that many of us have become the “Runaway Bride.” If we can stop coming to church during this recession because we are financially strained we have to stop and ask ourselves, “Did we really love Jesus or were we just with him for his money? “ I think some pastors have over promised which makes Jesus look like he under delivered but the truth of the matter is that Jesus has been faithful and should not be divorced.
When we are married we make vows. We are supposed to stay together in good times and in bad times, in plenty, and in want, in sickness and in health and nothing should separate us from the Love of God, not even death. But when we walk away from the church for any reason other than adultery (worshipping false gods) we commit adultery and if we substitute that relationship with anything else that becomes spiritual adultery.
This is not the time to divorce Jesus, especially at Christmas! Many people have got in the habit of not coming to church. This is the time that the bride of Christ should draw closer to Jesus. This is the time we need each other the most!
Instead of leaving the church and divorcing Jesus we should:
Draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith. Verse 22
1. Hold unswervingly to the hope we profess. Verse 23
2. Let us spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Verse 24
3. Attend church on a regular basis and encourage each other. Verse 25
4. Don’t keep on sinning or else Jesus will divorce us. Verse 25
Dear God,
You have been faithful to us more than we have been faithful to you. I pray that you would reach those who’ve gotten in the habit of missing church and bring them back home. Keep us together during these tough times, knowing that trouble don’t last always. We will be faithful and we will wait in excitement for the groom to return.
In Jesus Name,
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Why is Everybody Leaving the Church?
I Timothy 4:1
The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons.
As a child, I remember an old gospel song that said, Get on board the old Ship of Zion, it has landed many of thousands, King Jesus is the captain." It was a song written around 1867 that gave recently freed slaves hope through the gospel of Jesus Christ as a vessel for their further advancement. They were embarking on a faith journey on the Ship of Zion (the church). Decades after that their great, great, great grandchildren are disembarking from the ship (the church), abandoning their faith. In the book, "You Lost Me," David Kinnamon says that 43% of twenty somethings drop out of church after turning 18. They become skeptical and disenchanted from the church and the Christian faith.
It seems we are in the "Later Days," that Paul was talking about when he said, "The Spirit clearly says that in later days people will abandon the faith, and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons." The devil's job is to deceive God's people away from God. Satan always wants you to think there are shortcuts to your spiritual fulfillment through sensual shortcuts that lead to dead ends. He brings in doubt about the relevance of church. 'Is Church really necessary? Isn't it enough just to be spiritual? You don't need church! You can have a personal relationship with Jesus and stay home." These are all deceptive words that the enemy has been sowing in our spirit.
The Ship of Zion is symbolic of the church and Jesus who is the captain of the ship. Sometimes, we want to disembark because of who is on the ship. Many times we allow the passengers, the crew, or even the captains to run us off the ship. Unfortunately, there are no perfect churches/ships but there are some good ships with imperfect people.
The Apostle Paul talked about the importance of staying on the Ship even when it's rocky. Paul was on a ship going through a terrible storm, so much so that they were throwing things overboard just to stay afloat. Some of the sailors were trying to sneak off to save themselves and the prisoners were trying to escape. Paul said, "unless these men stay on the ship no one will be saved." There were people on that ship that deserved to die and some who were good people but all of them had to stay on the ship in order to survive the storm.
Many of us have shipwrecked our faith by abandoning the ship. Giving up on church is not going to save your life, it's going to make it worse because we need each other to survive these storms.
Paul says, "do not give up on meeting together as some are in the habit of doing. The more you skip out on church the more of a habit it becomes. Before you realize it, you have abandoned ship. Paul said do not get in the habit of avoiding Fellowship. Fellowship is nothing more than two fellows in a ship. There is power where two or three believers gather for fellowship in the ship called the church.
The trend today is not only to listen to deceiving spirits leading people away from the church but also giving in to demonic teaching. There are media hounds form hell and radio talk jocks that are picking at the remains of church scandals and carnage. The failings of some pastors have become fodder for the propaganda of those who already hate the church. Unfortunately, we have given them plenty of ammunition through our indiscretions but this is not the time to abandon ship.
This is the time to get back on board the 'Old Ship of Zion'. You can't change anything from the outside looking in. If the ship was good enough for our ancestors then it's good enough for me. I feel like Noah trying to get people on a ship with animals telling people it's going to be a flood with rain in sight. Noah and his family stayed on that ship 40 days and 40 nights while it rained and people outside the ship died from God's judgement. God took Noah and his family on a ship to a new place and he saved humanity through that ship. As stinky as it was on that ship with those animals, Noah and his family stayed on the ship until God got them to the other side. They did not abandon ship.
what about you? Have you abandoned ship? Why? You could help the church better from the inside rather than being on the outside. This is not the time to abandon ship but it's time to get on board and get to the other side.
Dear God,
Help us to get on board with your will for our lives. Your Church is the ship that will transport us to salvation. Give us the ability to make the needed repairs to the ship so that we can get others on board that need a way to heaven. Help me to reach those who've gotten off to get back on before the ship leaves out without them. Thank you for letting me get on board the Old Ship of Zion. Thank you for being my captain.
In Jesus Name,
The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons.
As a child, I remember an old gospel song that said, Get on board the old Ship of Zion, it has landed many of thousands, King Jesus is the captain." It was a song written around 1867 that gave recently freed slaves hope through the gospel of Jesus Christ as a vessel for their further advancement. They were embarking on a faith journey on the Ship of Zion (the church). Decades after that their great, great, great grandchildren are disembarking from the ship (the church), abandoning their faith. In the book, "You Lost Me," David Kinnamon says that 43% of twenty somethings drop out of church after turning 18. They become skeptical and disenchanted from the church and the Christian faith.
It seems we are in the "Later Days," that Paul was talking about when he said, "The Spirit clearly says that in later days people will abandon the faith, and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons." The devil's job is to deceive God's people away from God. Satan always wants you to think there are shortcuts to your spiritual fulfillment through sensual shortcuts that lead to dead ends. He brings in doubt about the relevance of church. 'Is Church really necessary? Isn't it enough just to be spiritual? You don't need church! You can have a personal relationship with Jesus and stay home." These are all deceptive words that the enemy has been sowing in our spirit.
The Ship of Zion is symbolic of the church and Jesus who is the captain of the ship. Sometimes, we want to disembark because of who is on the ship. Many times we allow the passengers, the crew, or even the captains to run us off the ship. Unfortunately, there are no perfect churches/ships but there are some good ships with imperfect people.
The Apostle Paul talked about the importance of staying on the Ship even when it's rocky. Paul was on a ship going through a terrible storm, so much so that they were throwing things overboard just to stay afloat. Some of the sailors were trying to sneak off to save themselves and the prisoners were trying to escape. Paul said, "unless these men stay on the ship no one will be saved." There were people on that ship that deserved to die and some who were good people but all of them had to stay on the ship in order to survive the storm.
Many of us have shipwrecked our faith by abandoning the ship. Giving up on church is not going to save your life, it's going to make it worse because we need each other to survive these storms.
Paul says, "do not give up on meeting together as some are in the habit of doing. The more you skip out on church the more of a habit it becomes. Before you realize it, you have abandoned ship. Paul said do not get in the habit of avoiding Fellowship. Fellowship is nothing more than two fellows in a ship. There is power where two or three believers gather for fellowship in the ship called the church.
The trend today is not only to listen to deceiving spirits leading people away from the church but also giving in to demonic teaching. There are media hounds form hell and radio talk jocks that are picking at the remains of church scandals and carnage. The failings of some pastors have become fodder for the propaganda of those who already hate the church. Unfortunately, we have given them plenty of ammunition through our indiscretions but this is not the time to abandon ship.
This is the time to get back on board the 'Old Ship of Zion'. You can't change anything from the outside looking in. If the ship was good enough for our ancestors then it's good enough for me. I feel like Noah trying to get people on a ship with animals telling people it's going to be a flood with rain in sight. Noah and his family stayed on that ship 40 days and 40 nights while it rained and people outside the ship died from God's judgement. God took Noah and his family on a ship to a new place and he saved humanity through that ship. As stinky as it was on that ship with those animals, Noah and his family stayed on the ship until God got them to the other side. They did not abandon ship.
what about you? Have you abandoned ship? Why? You could help the church better from the inside rather than being on the outside. This is not the time to abandon ship but it's time to get on board and get to the other side.
Dear God,
Help us to get on board with your will for our lives. Your Church is the ship that will transport us to salvation. Give us the ability to make the needed repairs to the ship so that we can get others on board that need a way to heaven. Help me to reach those who've gotten off to get back on before the ship leaves out without them. Thank you for letting me get on board the Old Ship of Zion. Thank you for being my captain.
In Jesus Name,
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Don't Do It For Them!
Colossians 3:23
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.
"They don't appreciate me! I feel like they take me for granted! They could have at least said, 'Thank you'. People are so fickled!" Have you ever heard these laments from people who do things for people only to feel under-appreciated? We've either heard them or said it ourselves at one time or another. It's inevitable that at some point in your life when you try to help others you will feel like there is an inequity of return for what you have given out. If you are not careful you will fall into the trap of waiting on people to adequately compensate you for that which only God can fill. Even if they were to extend some kind of recompense for your contritbution of kindness, it would be fleeting to say the least because only what you do for Christ will last. Yes, you should be adequately compensated for services rendered but when you serve make sure it's for the right reason or no amount of money will satisfy when you motives are misguided.
So many people set themselves up for disappoinment because they do stuff for the wrong reasons and for the wrong people. we should do good regardless of who it is but we should never do it "for them." You should do it "for the Lord," that way if they never say 'Thank you,' if they never give you anything in return, you are still good becasue the Lord, whom you did it for, will see why you did it and he will reward you for the good you have done on his behalf.
That's why Paul said to the Christians in Collasse, "Whatever you do do it for the Lord and not for men. He went on further on what we should be doing for the Lord..."As God's chosen people, Holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another." (Colossians 3:12-13)
Today, when you decide you are going to do something for somebody, just make sure you're doing it for the Lord and not "them."
Dear God,
Help me to be a vessel you can use to bless others, knowing that my blessing will come back to me from you and not them. I have been blessed to be a blessing and that's why it's easy for me to bless people who may not even come back to say, "Thank you." My inspiration for doing good is that you have already been good to me. I will not be waiting on reciprocity, neither will I be waiting on somebody to acknowledge my good, because I have comfort in knowing that you already seen it and whatever I put out in the Universe has got to come back to me. Thank you for using me to bless them for you.
In Jesus Name,
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.
"They don't appreciate me! I feel like they take me for granted! They could have at least said, 'Thank you'. People are so fickled!" Have you ever heard these laments from people who do things for people only to feel under-appreciated? We've either heard them or said it ourselves at one time or another. It's inevitable that at some point in your life when you try to help others you will feel like there is an inequity of return for what you have given out. If you are not careful you will fall into the trap of waiting on people to adequately compensate you for that which only God can fill. Even if they were to extend some kind of recompense for your contritbution of kindness, it would be fleeting to say the least because only what you do for Christ will last. Yes, you should be adequately compensated for services rendered but when you serve make sure it's for the right reason or no amount of money will satisfy when you motives are misguided.
So many people set themselves up for disappoinment because they do stuff for the wrong reasons and for the wrong people. we should do good regardless of who it is but we should never do it "for them." You should do it "for the Lord," that way if they never say 'Thank you,' if they never give you anything in return, you are still good becasue the Lord, whom you did it for, will see why you did it and he will reward you for the good you have done on his behalf.
That's why Paul said to the Christians in Collasse, "Whatever you do do it for the Lord and not for men. He went on further on what we should be doing for the Lord..."As God's chosen people, Holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another." (Colossians 3:12-13)
Today, when you decide you are going to do something for somebody, just make sure you're doing it for the Lord and not "them."
Dear God,
Help me to be a vessel you can use to bless others, knowing that my blessing will come back to me from you and not them. I have been blessed to be a blessing and that's why it's easy for me to bless people who may not even come back to say, "Thank you." My inspiration for doing good is that you have already been good to me. I will not be waiting on reciprocity, neither will I be waiting on somebody to acknowledge my good, because I have comfort in knowing that you already seen it and whatever I put out in the Universe has got to come back to me. Thank you for using me to bless them for you.
In Jesus Name,
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Catch Up To Yourself
Phillippians 3:16
Let us live up to what we've already attained.
Sometimes, we are so busy chasing success that we can't even enjoy what we already have. I was able to catch up with a new reality show called, "TI & Tiny" last night. TI had spent 11 motnhs in prison for violating his parole on gun charges and was grateful to get back to work and to his family. On one particular day, he was trying to catch two different football games to watch his sons play and make it to a BET awards show rehearsal. He made it to the first game but on the way to the second game the driver missed the exit making it impossible to catch the game and rehearsal. TI called his son to inform him that he wouldn't be able to make it to his game. You could hear the dissapointment in his little boy's voice. TI paused for a minute and told his driver to turn around and called his agent to tell him he would be late for rehearsal because he had to catch his son's game. TI said, "I love my career but I love my family more."
TI has matured and realized that it's time to live up to what he's already attained. Many of us have already been blessed with something that others are striving for but we can't even enjoy it for reaching for more. We should stop chasing and catch up to what we already have.
1. Relationally. If you are married or have children, make sure you are fulfilling your responsibilities in each role to the best of your ability. Time is filled with swift transitions, make every moment count.
2. Educationally. Whatever level of education you've attained make sure you master what you already know. Have you read all the books on your shelves? Do you remember what you read? Are you still learning? Do you need to go back to school and finish?
3. Spiritually. Now that you are a Christian, are you a disciple? Are you a student of Christ? Paul said, "Not that I have already obtained all of this, or have already been made perfect but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me.
There's a reason Jesus took hold of you and me. Now I want to live up to it. Now that I've been given a second chance, like TI, I don't want to waste another 11 months of my life chasing pipe dreams. I want to catch up with myself and live up to what i've already attained.
Dear God,
Help me to finish what you started in me. Help me to be Father, be Husband, be Pastor, be Scholar, be Visionary. I"m ready to live up to what I already have. I've got so much to thank you for. Let me live up to it.
In Jesus Name,
Let us live up to what we've already attained.
Sometimes, we are so busy chasing success that we can't even enjoy what we already have. I was able to catch up with a new reality show called, "TI & Tiny" last night. TI had spent 11 motnhs in prison for violating his parole on gun charges and was grateful to get back to work and to his family. On one particular day, he was trying to catch two different football games to watch his sons play and make it to a BET awards show rehearsal. He made it to the first game but on the way to the second game the driver missed the exit making it impossible to catch the game and rehearsal. TI called his son to inform him that he wouldn't be able to make it to his game. You could hear the dissapointment in his little boy's voice. TI paused for a minute and told his driver to turn around and called his agent to tell him he would be late for rehearsal because he had to catch his son's game. TI said, "I love my career but I love my family more."
TI has matured and realized that it's time to live up to what he's already attained. Many of us have already been blessed with something that others are striving for but we can't even enjoy it for reaching for more. We should stop chasing and catch up to what we already have.
1. Relationally. If you are married or have children, make sure you are fulfilling your responsibilities in each role to the best of your ability. Time is filled with swift transitions, make every moment count.
2. Educationally. Whatever level of education you've attained make sure you master what you already know. Have you read all the books on your shelves? Do you remember what you read? Are you still learning? Do you need to go back to school and finish?
3. Spiritually. Now that you are a Christian, are you a disciple? Are you a student of Christ? Paul said, "Not that I have already obtained all of this, or have already been made perfect but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me.
There's a reason Jesus took hold of you and me. Now I want to live up to it. Now that I've been given a second chance, like TI, I don't want to waste another 11 months of my life chasing pipe dreams. I want to catch up with myself and live up to what i've already attained.
Dear God,
Help me to finish what you started in me. Help me to be Father, be Husband, be Pastor, be Scholar, be Visionary. I"m ready to live up to what I already have. I've got so much to thank you for. Let me live up to it.
In Jesus Name,
Monday, December 5, 2011
Back in Stride Again
Psalm 119:59
I have considered my ways and have turned my steps to your statues.
You know when you've gotten off task or ventured too far away from the path. You just know it. You feel it. It's easy to do. It's like being in a boat without an anchor and the wind is blowing gently and you're drifting without even knowing that you are drifting.
If we tell the truth about it, many of us have expereinced "soul drift." We have drifted from our noble intentions and we are not as close to God as we were in the beginning. The wind is deceptively gentle and it pushes us off course without us even noticing the drift. One little compromise after another pushes us away from where we are supposed to be in God.
It is only when we wake up and look up, that we notice how far we are from God. The end of the year is a time of Spiritual reassessment. It's time to consider our ways to see if they are pleasing to the Lord and ask ourselves, 'Have we gotten off track?' Have we been obedient to God? Are we living in the will of God or just spinning our wheels? Many of us have had the sobering reality of the four lepers who were being greedy when they discovered the food, clothing and gold left by the enemies during a severe famine. Intead of sharing with their fellow Israelites, they hid what they found. They said, "This is a day of good news, We should be sharing, we are not doing right!" They turned their steps back to Israel to share the good news.
Once we consider our ways and realize that we are off course, we've go to get back in stride again.
The only way we can get back in stride again is to:
1. Turn our steps towards God's statutes. verse 59 Our Lifestyle has to match the word of God. If we are not living in alignment with God's word we are off course.
2. In order to live Holy we must keep ourselves pure by staying in the word of God. verse 9. We are supposed to be set apart and there are special instructions that come with our use. Those special instructions are found in the word of God.
3. We must delight in God's decree and not neglect his word. verse 16 Blessed is the man who delights in the word of God, he shall be like a tree firmly planted by the rivers of water, yielding forth it's fruit and whatever he does will prosper. (Psalm 1)
4. Hide God's word in your heart so you will not sin against him. Verse 11 God's word is like a virus protection software. There are things that try to creep in to our spirit daily but if we have God's word the virus protection program of God's word will not allow you to sin against God.
Dear God,
I pray that you would get me back on track. I've drifted too far from you and I need your word to get me back on course. My anchor grips and holds the solid rock. That Rock is Jesus! Keep me Lord and do not let me stray. I want to get back in stride again.
In Jesus Name,
I have considered my ways and have turned my steps to your statues.
You know when you've gotten off task or ventured too far away from the path. You just know it. You feel it. It's easy to do. It's like being in a boat without an anchor and the wind is blowing gently and you're drifting without even knowing that you are drifting.
If we tell the truth about it, many of us have expereinced "soul drift." We have drifted from our noble intentions and we are not as close to God as we were in the beginning. The wind is deceptively gentle and it pushes us off course without us even noticing the drift. One little compromise after another pushes us away from where we are supposed to be in God.
It is only when we wake up and look up, that we notice how far we are from God. The end of the year is a time of Spiritual reassessment. It's time to consider our ways to see if they are pleasing to the Lord and ask ourselves, 'Have we gotten off track?' Have we been obedient to God? Are we living in the will of God or just spinning our wheels? Many of us have had the sobering reality of the four lepers who were being greedy when they discovered the food, clothing and gold left by the enemies during a severe famine. Intead of sharing with their fellow Israelites, they hid what they found. They said, "This is a day of good news, We should be sharing, we are not doing right!" They turned their steps back to Israel to share the good news.
Once we consider our ways and realize that we are off course, we've go to get back in stride again.
The only way we can get back in stride again is to:
1. Turn our steps towards God's statutes. verse 59 Our Lifestyle has to match the word of God. If we are not living in alignment with God's word we are off course.
2. In order to live Holy we must keep ourselves pure by staying in the word of God. verse 9. We are supposed to be set apart and there are special instructions that come with our use. Those special instructions are found in the word of God.
3. We must delight in God's decree and not neglect his word. verse 16 Blessed is the man who delights in the word of God, he shall be like a tree firmly planted by the rivers of water, yielding forth it's fruit and whatever he does will prosper. (Psalm 1)
4. Hide God's word in your heart so you will not sin against him. Verse 11 God's word is like a virus protection software. There are things that try to creep in to our spirit daily but if we have God's word the virus protection program of God's word will not allow you to sin against God.
Dear God,
I pray that you would get me back on track. I've drifted too far from you and I need your word to get me back on course. My anchor grips and holds the solid rock. That Rock is Jesus! Keep me Lord and do not let me stray. I want to get back in stride again.
In Jesus Name,
Thursday, December 1, 2011
We Rejoice in Our Sufferings!
Romans 5:3
We also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance, perseverance, character, and character, hope
You never really see anybody glad about his or her suffering. You don’t see too many smiling players after a loss of a game. You don’t see too many people glad after they lost a job. You don’t see too many people jovial over the struggles in life but yet as believers we are told to rejoice in our sufferings.
On 60 Minutes the other night I saw a report about homeless families in central Florida. One particular family made a home out of an old bread truck. They washed up every morning in gas stations before going to school. They did their homework in libraries so they could use the computers to do their homework. They ate their dinner out of tin cans. When they interviewed the two children, the oldest daughter was asked, “are you sad?” She said, “No, I look at this as an adventure. ..Its just life!” And she was smiling. She was rejoicing in her suffering.
I think we’ve lost the ability to rejoice in our suffering. African-American’s mastered the art of rejoicing through suffering by recognizing that this world was not our home and that we were strangers in a foreign land on our way to somewhere better. The legacy of Slavery in America cause Africans in America to struggle with their faith in God and through that experience they met a suffering servant by the name of Jesus that liberated them through their suffering. The Black Power generation would look back on that slave generation and scorn them for their “pie in the sky” theology but it was their ability to transcend their existential pain for greater gain that got us through as a people.
Like the Apostle Paul, our ancestors knew that their present sufferings would lead to something far greater.
1. Suffering produces perseverance. When we suffer through the trials of life it creates the ability to endure hardships. I believe it was Nietzsche that said, “that which does not kill us makes us stronger.” Frederick Douglass said, “Where there is no struggle there is no progress.” What you are going through is actually making you better.
2. Perseverance produces character. You are a better person because of what you survived. When you endure your suffering it builds your character. God will never take you where your character can’t keep you. Your Character speaks to what kind of person you are. When you endure sufferings it strengthens the integrity of your character.
3. Character produces Hope. The reason the little girl who was living in the bread truck could smile was because she saw something beyond the bread truck. By surviving and being focused on her dreams, studying in the library, spending time with her family, acting in community theatre, this girl had more focus on her future than a child who is spoiled with luxury.
Paul said in Romans 8:24 For in this hope we were saved. But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what he already has? But if we hope for what we don not yet have, we wait for it patiently.
I rejoice in my sufferings because it leads to my hope that God is working this out for my good!
Dear God,
Thank you for being with me through my suffering. This present suffering does not compare to the future Glory that you have for us. Keep my eyes on the prize so that I can hold on to the hope that I have for a better tomorrow. Use me today to help somebody who might be suffering to encourage them that weeping may endure for the night but joy comes in the morning. I rejoice that you trust me with trouble because as a result I’m stronger, wiser, so much better. Without you God, I never would have made it.
In Jesus Name,
We also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance, perseverance, character, and character, hope
You never really see anybody glad about his or her suffering. You don’t see too many smiling players after a loss of a game. You don’t see too many people glad after they lost a job. You don’t see too many people jovial over the struggles in life but yet as believers we are told to rejoice in our sufferings.
On 60 Minutes the other night I saw a report about homeless families in central Florida. One particular family made a home out of an old bread truck. They washed up every morning in gas stations before going to school. They did their homework in libraries so they could use the computers to do their homework. They ate their dinner out of tin cans. When they interviewed the two children, the oldest daughter was asked, “are you sad?” She said, “No, I look at this as an adventure. ..Its just life!” And she was smiling. She was rejoicing in her suffering.
I think we’ve lost the ability to rejoice in our suffering. African-American’s mastered the art of rejoicing through suffering by recognizing that this world was not our home and that we were strangers in a foreign land on our way to somewhere better. The legacy of Slavery in America cause Africans in America to struggle with their faith in God and through that experience they met a suffering servant by the name of Jesus that liberated them through their suffering. The Black Power generation would look back on that slave generation and scorn them for their “pie in the sky” theology but it was their ability to transcend their existential pain for greater gain that got us through as a people.
Like the Apostle Paul, our ancestors knew that their present sufferings would lead to something far greater.
1. Suffering produces perseverance. When we suffer through the trials of life it creates the ability to endure hardships. I believe it was Nietzsche that said, “that which does not kill us makes us stronger.” Frederick Douglass said, “Where there is no struggle there is no progress.” What you are going through is actually making you better.
2. Perseverance produces character. You are a better person because of what you survived. When you endure your suffering it builds your character. God will never take you where your character can’t keep you. Your Character speaks to what kind of person you are. When you endure sufferings it strengthens the integrity of your character.
3. Character produces Hope. The reason the little girl who was living in the bread truck could smile was because she saw something beyond the bread truck. By surviving and being focused on her dreams, studying in the library, spending time with her family, acting in community theatre, this girl had more focus on her future than a child who is spoiled with luxury.
Paul said in Romans 8:24 For in this hope we were saved. But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what he already has? But if we hope for what we don not yet have, we wait for it patiently.
I rejoice in my sufferings because it leads to my hope that God is working this out for my good!
Dear God,
Thank you for being with me through my suffering. This present suffering does not compare to the future Glory that you have for us. Keep my eyes on the prize so that I can hold on to the hope that I have for a better tomorrow. Use me today to help somebody who might be suffering to encourage them that weeping may endure for the night but joy comes in the morning. I rejoice that you trust me with trouble because as a result I’m stronger, wiser, so much better. Without you God, I never would have made it.
In Jesus Name,
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
I Can't Give Up Now!
Romans 4:20-21
Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave Glory to God being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised.
It’s hard to keep holding on when it appears that nothing is changing and you’re running out of time. Sometimes, you feel like what’s the use of trying when it seems like nothing is changing and my promise is yet to be fulfilled. It is during these times that you have to lean back on your faith and trust that what God said he will do that he will bring it to pass. Could it be that God is more patient with us than we are with him? How long did God wait on you to get it together? Is he still waiting?
Abraham waited on God to give him a son for a long time. His body was ‘as good as dead’ and he was at least 100 years old waiting on a son. What is it that you have been waiting a long time for? You can’t give up now! Abraham held on to God’s promise that he would give him a son even though it looked like he would never get. How did he do it?!
He did not waiver through unbelief. We are all going to be faced with unbelief because the situation may look like it’s not going to change but there must be an inner assurance that will not allow us to waiver or to be moved. Unbelief is like the wind that Peter heard while he was walking on water. He took his eyes off of Jesus and allowed the wind to move him. Don’t be moved by unbelief, keep your eyes on Jesus.
He was strengthened in his faith. The way you strengthen your faith is to remind yourself of what God has spoken through his word, regular church attendance and serving others. The only way you strengthen your faith is by using it.
Give God Glory. The way you Give God Glory is Be Anxious for nothing, Pray about everything and be thankful for anything then God will give you peace which surpasses all human understanding. Give God the credit for what he’s already done and what he’s going to do.
He was fully persuaded that God had the power to do what he promised. God’s got the power to do what he promised! You must be fully convinced that God has the power to finish his promise.
Dear God,
I can’t give up now, I’ve come too far from where I started from. I am fully persuaded that in spite of what it looks like that you are able to finish what you started. I believe you will do what you promised. I can’t and I won’t give up now!
In Jesus Name,
Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave Glory to God being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised.
It’s hard to keep holding on when it appears that nothing is changing and you’re running out of time. Sometimes, you feel like what’s the use of trying when it seems like nothing is changing and my promise is yet to be fulfilled. It is during these times that you have to lean back on your faith and trust that what God said he will do that he will bring it to pass. Could it be that God is more patient with us than we are with him? How long did God wait on you to get it together? Is he still waiting?
Abraham waited on God to give him a son for a long time. His body was ‘as good as dead’ and he was at least 100 years old waiting on a son. What is it that you have been waiting a long time for? You can’t give up now! Abraham held on to God’s promise that he would give him a son even though it looked like he would never get. How did he do it?!
He did not waiver through unbelief. We are all going to be faced with unbelief because the situation may look like it’s not going to change but there must be an inner assurance that will not allow us to waiver or to be moved. Unbelief is like the wind that Peter heard while he was walking on water. He took his eyes off of Jesus and allowed the wind to move him. Don’t be moved by unbelief, keep your eyes on Jesus.
He was strengthened in his faith. The way you strengthen your faith is to remind yourself of what God has spoken through his word, regular church attendance and serving others. The only way you strengthen your faith is by using it.
Give God Glory. The way you Give God Glory is Be Anxious for nothing, Pray about everything and be thankful for anything then God will give you peace which surpasses all human understanding. Give God the credit for what he’s already done and what he’s going to do.
He was fully persuaded that God had the power to do what he promised. God’s got the power to do what he promised! You must be fully convinced that God has the power to finish his promise.
Dear God,
I can’t give up now, I’ve come too far from where I started from. I am fully persuaded that in spite of what it looks like that you are able to finish what you started. I believe you will do what you promised. I can’t and I won’t give up now!
In Jesus Name,
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
This Is How You Win!
New International Version (NIV)
11 and to make it your ambition to lead a quiet life: You should mind your own business and work with your hands, just as we told you, 12 so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody.
Nobody likes to lose. I believe it was Vince Lombardi who said, “Winning is not everything, it’s the only thing!” It was the Apostle Paul who said, “Don’t just run to be running, but run in such a way as to win.” It was DJ Khalid who said, “All we do is win, win, win, no matter what!” What’s the use of playing if you’re not trying to win?
Each of us should be trying to win every time we wake up in the morning…not trophies, not beauty contests, not lotteries but there is something way more important at stake. We should be trying to win the respect of people who don’t know God or believe in Jesus. More than ever we are living in a time when people are asking, “Why follow God or believe in Jesus?” Many Christians aren’t helping much because we are acting like losers.
It used to bother me when I was in elementary school playing kickball and the teacher would split us into teams. It never failed that the teacher would put some cute “girly, girl” on my team who didn’t want to get dirty or win. The ball would come her way and she would scream and move out of the way of the ball on purpose! Don’t put anybody on my team that doesn’t want to win!
As Christians we can’t be so cute that we don’t get dirty for Jesus. Here’s how we win:
Be ambitious to live a quiet life. Ambition and quiet seem like odd words together but we should strive to live a peaceful life. We should never be accused of disturbing the peace.
Mind your own business. We should not be involved in hearsay and gossip. Don’t be a messy person. We do well to sweep around our own front door.
Work with your hands. Find something productive to do. Make yourself useful. Even if you are unemployed, find something helpful to do. Your gifts make room for you and bring you into the presence of great men. Join a team and play your role to help them win.
When we do these things we win the respect of outsiders by the way we live out our daily lives. When you live respectable lives you win the respect of others.
Dear God,
Help me to live my life everyday respectfully. I want people to see Jesus in me. In the way I talk, walk, act, live. People want to be on a winning team. Help me set the pace in the way I live out my life that people would want to follow Jesus. Today, I’m going to be a winner for you.
In Jesus Name,
11 and to make it your ambition to lead a quiet life: You should mind your own business and work with your hands, just as we told you, 12 so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody.
Nobody likes to lose. I believe it was Vince Lombardi who said, “Winning is not everything, it’s the only thing!” It was the Apostle Paul who said, “Don’t just run to be running, but run in such a way as to win.” It was DJ Khalid who said, “All we do is win, win, win, no matter what!” What’s the use of playing if you’re not trying to win?
Each of us should be trying to win every time we wake up in the morning…not trophies, not beauty contests, not lotteries but there is something way more important at stake. We should be trying to win the respect of people who don’t know God or believe in Jesus. More than ever we are living in a time when people are asking, “Why follow God or believe in Jesus?” Many Christians aren’t helping much because we are acting like losers.
It used to bother me when I was in elementary school playing kickball and the teacher would split us into teams. It never failed that the teacher would put some cute “girly, girl” on my team who didn’t want to get dirty or win. The ball would come her way and she would scream and move out of the way of the ball on purpose! Don’t put anybody on my team that doesn’t want to win!
As Christians we can’t be so cute that we don’t get dirty for Jesus. Here’s how we win:
Be ambitious to live a quiet life. Ambition and quiet seem like odd words together but we should strive to live a peaceful life. We should never be accused of disturbing the peace.
Mind your own business. We should not be involved in hearsay and gossip. Don’t be a messy person. We do well to sweep around our own front door.
Work with your hands. Find something productive to do. Make yourself useful. Even if you are unemployed, find something helpful to do. Your gifts make room for you and bring you into the presence of great men. Join a team and play your role to help them win.
When we do these things we win the respect of outsiders by the way we live out our daily lives. When you live respectable lives you win the respect of others.
Dear God,
Help me to live my life everyday respectfully. I want people to see Jesus in me. In the way I talk, walk, act, live. People want to be on a winning team. Help me set the pace in the way I live out my life that people would want to follow Jesus. Today, I’m going to be a winner for you.
In Jesus Name,
Thursday, November 17, 2011
God Will Supply
2 Corinthians 9:10
Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness.
When I was a little boy, my granddaddy would take me to the seed supply store to get seeds to plant in our garden. Everything we needed to plant a harvest was in the supply store; farming equipment, fertilizer, and seeds. After we got the seeds we had to go plough the field and sow the seeds. That was so exciting as a little boy to help my granddaddy sow those seeds and anticipate a harvest coming up.
God is our seed supplier. Everything we need for a harvest he has in his storehouse. What’s amazing is that his storehouse is filled through the faithfulness of the believers. (Malachi 3:10) Then the seed is sown or scattered abroad to the poor. The only way we experience a harvest is when we faithfully sow the seed that God has provided. Unless the seed goes into the ground and dies it cannot bear fruit. You cannot eat your seed and expect a harvest.
God will Supply…
1. He Supplies seed to the Sower. God Is not obligated to give seed to people who do not sow. Paul reminds us in verse 6, “Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.”
2. God will give us our daily bread. God is a provider and he will give us what we need when we sow our seed. When we sow our seed God provides for our needs.
3. God will supply and increase your store of seed when you sow. God is our supply store but his currency for seed is generosity. When we are generous in sowing giving, and helping others he will keep supplying and increasing our store of seed. Verse 11, “You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion.”
4. God will enlarge your harvest of Righteousness. When you do what is right in God’s sight he will enlarge your harvest.
Our increase is dependent on our generous release of the seed that God supplies. Your harvest can’t grow until you let go of the seed in your hand. Plant it in good ground today.
Dear God,
Thank you for the seed you have supplied. All I have needed your hand has provided. Thank you for my harvest. I know that everything good that has happened to me you did it, and as a result I’m filled with thanksgiving. I’m ready to go sow my seeds today so I can reap my harvest tomorrow!
In Jesus Name,
Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness.
When I was a little boy, my granddaddy would take me to the seed supply store to get seeds to plant in our garden. Everything we needed to plant a harvest was in the supply store; farming equipment, fertilizer, and seeds. After we got the seeds we had to go plough the field and sow the seeds. That was so exciting as a little boy to help my granddaddy sow those seeds and anticipate a harvest coming up.
God is our seed supplier. Everything we need for a harvest he has in his storehouse. What’s amazing is that his storehouse is filled through the faithfulness of the believers. (Malachi 3:10) Then the seed is sown or scattered abroad to the poor. The only way we experience a harvest is when we faithfully sow the seed that God has provided. Unless the seed goes into the ground and dies it cannot bear fruit. You cannot eat your seed and expect a harvest.
God will Supply…
1. He Supplies seed to the Sower. God Is not obligated to give seed to people who do not sow. Paul reminds us in verse 6, “Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.”
2. God will give us our daily bread. God is a provider and he will give us what we need when we sow our seed. When we sow our seed God provides for our needs.
3. God will supply and increase your store of seed when you sow. God is our supply store but his currency for seed is generosity. When we are generous in sowing giving, and helping others he will keep supplying and increasing our store of seed. Verse 11, “You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion.”
4. God will enlarge your harvest of Righteousness. When you do what is right in God’s sight he will enlarge your harvest.
Our increase is dependent on our generous release of the seed that God supplies. Your harvest can’t grow until you let go of the seed in your hand. Plant it in good ground today.
Dear God,
Thank you for the seed you have supplied. All I have needed your hand has provided. Thank you for my harvest. I know that everything good that has happened to me you did it, and as a result I’m filled with thanksgiving. I’m ready to go sow my seeds today so I can reap my harvest tomorrow!
In Jesus Name,
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Momentary Troubles
2 Corinthians 4:17
For our light and momentary troubles are delivering for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.
Never make permanent decisions for temporary problems. There is a tendency to get caught up with what’s going on in the moment and lose sight of God’s bigger plan for our life. Much of what we are going through right now are “Momentary problems,” meaning that what we are going through didn’t come to stay but it came to pass.
God is using your momentary troubles to achieve for you a future Glory that far outweighs what you are going through right now. If we are not careful we can miss our future Glory by getting caught up in temporary misery. It’s tempting to give up when you are going through momentary troubles and lose sight of future Glory.
God is using your momentary trouble to achieve for you a future. The Apostle Paul described his momentary troubles like this:
We are hard pressed on every side but not crushed; perplexed but not in despair; persecuted but not abandoned, struck down but not destroyed. 2 Corinthians 4:8
It’s God’s Holy Spirit operating in us that does not allow us to give up during momentary troubles. When you are on a roller coaster ride they tell you to stay in the car until the ride is over. You don’t jump out of the car in the middle of a roller coaster ride. It can be fatal. Life is like a roller coaster ride that we must either endure or enjoy without stepping out of the car before the ride is over. I’d rather be on a roller coaster ride than a Merry Go Round. When I go through an Amusement Park I want to go from Ride to Ride. God will take you from Glory to Glory but you can’t get off in the middle of a ride. What makes the ride even more enjoyable is when you have a good riding partner. I’m glad Jesus rides with me through my Momentary troubles.
These Momentary troubles are achieving something greater for our lives so we can’t give up until we go up. Stay on the ride and enjoy it because troubles don’t last always. It get’s greater later!
Dear God,
Help us to stay the course to finish our race. These momentary troubles don’t compare to the future Glory of being with you forever. Take us through our momentary troubles into our future Glory. I’m riding with you today Jesus!
In your name,
For our light and momentary troubles are delivering for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.
Never make permanent decisions for temporary problems. There is a tendency to get caught up with what’s going on in the moment and lose sight of God’s bigger plan for our life. Much of what we are going through right now are “Momentary problems,” meaning that what we are going through didn’t come to stay but it came to pass.
God is using your momentary troubles to achieve for you a future Glory that far outweighs what you are going through right now. If we are not careful we can miss our future Glory by getting caught up in temporary misery. It’s tempting to give up when you are going through momentary troubles and lose sight of future Glory.
God is using your momentary trouble to achieve for you a future. The Apostle Paul described his momentary troubles like this:
We are hard pressed on every side but not crushed; perplexed but not in despair; persecuted but not abandoned, struck down but not destroyed. 2 Corinthians 4:8
It’s God’s Holy Spirit operating in us that does not allow us to give up during momentary troubles. When you are on a roller coaster ride they tell you to stay in the car until the ride is over. You don’t jump out of the car in the middle of a roller coaster ride. It can be fatal. Life is like a roller coaster ride that we must either endure or enjoy without stepping out of the car before the ride is over. I’d rather be on a roller coaster ride than a Merry Go Round. When I go through an Amusement Park I want to go from Ride to Ride. God will take you from Glory to Glory but you can’t get off in the middle of a ride. What makes the ride even more enjoyable is when you have a good riding partner. I’m glad Jesus rides with me through my Momentary troubles.
These Momentary troubles are achieving something greater for our lives so we can’t give up until we go up. Stay on the ride and enjoy it because troubles don’t last always. It get’s greater later!
Dear God,
Help us to stay the course to finish our race. These momentary troubles don’t compare to the future Glory of being with you forever. Take us through our momentary troubles into our future Glory. I’m riding with you today Jesus!
In your name,
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Can You Smell Me?
2 Corinthians 2:15
For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing I believe it was Scottie Pippen a long time ago who had a commercial with speed stick deodarant he said, "The best defense is not to offend." He was referencing body odor. It's so important that we aslways have good hygiene so that we do not offend the people around us.
I was reading the instruction for our intercessors sent out by their ministry leader the other day. She was informing them on how they should pray with people at the altar. It was itneresting to discover that among the instructions on how to pray, there were also instrucitons on hygiene such as putting mints in their mouth for fresh breath and making sure fingernails were clean and manicured. It's important that when we minister or serve people we do not offend them by the way we smell.
You should always make sure you floss and brush your teeth, go see the dentist every six months. Keep mints in your pocket or purse. Make sure your deodorant is strong enough for your body chemistry. Men should wash their hair at least 3 times a week and women at least once a week. You want to make sure that you don't offend people by the way you smell. My mother always said, "You ought to be able to smell yourself" but if you don't it's always good to have a friend who will tell you the truth. Can you smell me?
When we are amongst people in ministry we are to be the Aroma of Christ. My staff says that I have a sensitive nose. I can walk into a room and tell you what you had for lunch. I can smell just about anything. It's a gift and a curse. LOL. But there is someone else whose nose is more sensitive than mine. God has a sensitive nose! God doesn't just smell our skin but he smells our sin. He doesn't just smell our scent but he can also detect our decent into moral decadence.
God can smell our intentions and our Holiness. That's why the Psalmist said, "May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing and acceptable to you O' God." When God grew tired of corrupt religious practices in Israel he told the prophet Amos, "I hate, I despise your religious festivals; your assemblies are a stench to me." Amos 5:21
God said that he would rather have justice and righteousness than a bunch of religious activity with no conviction behind it. When we are living out the teachings of Jesus we are a pleasing aroma to God.
Did you know you can smell good to God and stink to others?
Whenever i travel from America to the Middle East I know i've crossed over into foreign territory because the smells change. A lot of Easterners don't wear deodorant and they think Westerners stink! They think that the natural pheromones of perspiration are more attractive then the masquerade of deodorant that Westerners wear. Culturally we stink to them!
To some in America, Christians stink. We smell like death because when we truly represent Jesus we are a reminder that culturally we stink. We are dead to the ways of this world, we are free from the masquerade of psuedo success. We are offensive becasue our values are counter cultural, but to those who are being saved we are a pleasing aroma. They didn't know that life stripped of the illusion of success and materialism could smell so good.
When people see you filled with Joy, walking in Love, and practicing compassion they might ask you what it is that you have on? You can tell them, "Oh that is just Lily of the Valley."
Cleanliness is next to Godliness but Righteousness keeps you close to God because that smells good."
Dear God,
I pray that others smell the aroma of Christ on my life. Search me and if you find anything offensive in me that would block somebody from getting to Jesus please take it out right now. Clean me up, wash me, and make me Holy. Today, let me be a pleasing aroma to you and others.
In Jesus Name,
For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing I believe it was Scottie Pippen a long time ago who had a commercial with speed stick deodarant he said, "The best defense is not to offend." He was referencing body odor. It's so important that we aslways have good hygiene so that we do not offend the people around us.
I was reading the instruction for our intercessors sent out by their ministry leader the other day. She was informing them on how they should pray with people at the altar. It was itneresting to discover that among the instructions on how to pray, there were also instrucitons on hygiene such as putting mints in their mouth for fresh breath and making sure fingernails were clean and manicured. It's important that when we minister or serve people we do not offend them by the way we smell.
You should always make sure you floss and brush your teeth, go see the dentist every six months. Keep mints in your pocket or purse. Make sure your deodorant is strong enough for your body chemistry. Men should wash their hair at least 3 times a week and women at least once a week. You want to make sure that you don't offend people by the way you smell. My mother always said, "You ought to be able to smell yourself" but if you don't it's always good to have a friend who will tell you the truth. Can you smell me?
When we are amongst people in ministry we are to be the Aroma of Christ. My staff says that I have a sensitive nose. I can walk into a room and tell you what you had for lunch. I can smell just about anything. It's a gift and a curse. LOL. But there is someone else whose nose is more sensitive than mine. God has a sensitive nose! God doesn't just smell our skin but he smells our sin. He doesn't just smell our scent but he can also detect our decent into moral decadence.
God can smell our intentions and our Holiness. That's why the Psalmist said, "May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing and acceptable to you O' God." When God grew tired of corrupt religious practices in Israel he told the prophet Amos, "I hate, I despise your religious festivals; your assemblies are a stench to me." Amos 5:21
God said that he would rather have justice and righteousness than a bunch of religious activity with no conviction behind it. When we are living out the teachings of Jesus we are a pleasing aroma to God.
Did you know you can smell good to God and stink to others?
Whenever i travel from America to the Middle East I know i've crossed over into foreign territory because the smells change. A lot of Easterners don't wear deodorant and they think Westerners stink! They think that the natural pheromones of perspiration are more attractive then the masquerade of deodorant that Westerners wear. Culturally we stink to them!
To some in America, Christians stink. We smell like death because when we truly represent Jesus we are a reminder that culturally we stink. We are dead to the ways of this world, we are free from the masquerade of psuedo success. We are offensive becasue our values are counter cultural, but to those who are being saved we are a pleasing aroma. They didn't know that life stripped of the illusion of success and materialism could smell so good.
When people see you filled with Joy, walking in Love, and practicing compassion they might ask you what it is that you have on? You can tell them, "Oh that is just Lily of the Valley."
Cleanliness is next to Godliness but Righteousness keeps you close to God because that smells good."
Dear God,
I pray that others smell the aroma of Christ on my life. Search me and if you find anything offensive in me that would block somebody from getting to Jesus please take it out right now. Clean me up, wash me, and make me Holy. Today, let me be a pleasing aroma to you and others.
In Jesus Name,
Monday, November 14, 2011
Not Easily Moved
I Corinthians 15:58
Therefore, My dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.
With so much going on in our world today we must make sure that we are anchored int he Lord. We can't be unnerved by every little thing that threatens us. As a child we used to play a game when we were little called, "Made You Move." The object of the game was that one person would remain steady, staring straight ahead while the other person would act like they were going to hit the focused person in the face to see if they would move or flinch. If the person blinked or moved, the other perosn would say, "Ha Ha, made you move."
The devil's only job is to make you move out of position and miss your blessing. If he can get you disturbed over what somebody said about you, if he can get you hurt by something that happened at church, if he can use the economy to scare you away from your faith, then he has succeeded at his job. He made you move. You cannot afford to move from your position. You are too blessed to be stressed. No matter what it looks like:
1. Stand firm. Make sure your feet are set on solid ground. On Jesus Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand.
2. Let nothing move you. There is nothing to fear but fear itself. Jesus said, "Do not fear the person who can kill the body but fear God who can kill body and soul." Don't let idle threats and negative reports move you, whose report shall you believe God's or man's?
3. Give yourself fully to the work of the Lord. When you are busy doing God's work you don't have time to worry about the foolishness of the world. There is a peace that comes over you when you are doing the work of the Lord that doesn't allow you to be easily moved. Keep working for the Lord because your work is not in vain.
Dear God,
Keep me steadfast and unmovable. Help me to keep my eyes on the prize and hold on. Today, don't let any bad news or negativity phase me as i strive toward reaching my goals. I will not be moved by anything or anybody. I'm trusting you to see me through.
In Jesus Name,
Therefore, My dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.
With so much going on in our world today we must make sure that we are anchored int he Lord. We can't be unnerved by every little thing that threatens us. As a child we used to play a game when we were little called, "Made You Move." The object of the game was that one person would remain steady, staring straight ahead while the other person would act like they were going to hit the focused person in the face to see if they would move or flinch. If the person blinked or moved, the other perosn would say, "Ha Ha, made you move."
The devil's only job is to make you move out of position and miss your blessing. If he can get you disturbed over what somebody said about you, if he can get you hurt by something that happened at church, if he can use the economy to scare you away from your faith, then he has succeeded at his job. He made you move. You cannot afford to move from your position. You are too blessed to be stressed. No matter what it looks like:
1. Stand firm. Make sure your feet are set on solid ground. On Jesus Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand.
2. Let nothing move you. There is nothing to fear but fear itself. Jesus said, "Do not fear the person who can kill the body but fear God who can kill body and soul." Don't let idle threats and negative reports move you, whose report shall you believe God's or man's?
3. Give yourself fully to the work of the Lord. When you are busy doing God's work you don't have time to worry about the foolishness of the world. There is a peace that comes over you when you are doing the work of the Lord that doesn't allow you to be easily moved. Keep working for the Lord because your work is not in vain.
Dear God,
Keep me steadfast and unmovable. Help me to keep my eyes on the prize and hold on. Today, don't let any bad news or negativity phase me as i strive toward reaching my goals. I will not be moved by anything or anybody. I'm trusting you to see me through.
In Jesus Name,
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Did I Do That?
I Corinthians 8:9
Be careful, however, that the exercise of your freedom does not become a stumbling block to the weak.
In the hit sitcom, Family Matters, Steve Urkel always seemed to find a way to bumble and cause someone else to stumble. He was a loving little nerd but always seemed to be getting in the way and whenever he caused some kind of mishap, he would ask, "Did I dooo thaaaat?!"
How many times have we looked back on the mess we left in our tracks to ask, "Did I do that?" It's so much easier to keep going and blame others when they trip over our stuff instead of asking, "Did I do that?" At some point we have to take ownership in the influence that we have over other people.
As Christians, we have a moral obligation to make sure we don't do anything to cause those who are weaker in the faith to stumble. We've all had some blunders in our lives where we meant something good but like Steve Urkel we just made a mess out of things. Steve was smart he just didn't use common sense sometimes. As believers we have to use common sense to make sure that what we do is for the common good.
The more enlightened we get in terms of God's grace and lose the chains of traditon the more freedom we feel to live life unfettered by the opinions of narrow minded people. On the other hand, we have a responsibiilty to manage our freedom in such a way that it doesn't cause weaker people in the faith to stumble.
The Apostle Paul talked about eating meat sacrificed to idols as being theologically permissable for Christians. Prior to Jesus' liberating the Jews from man-made laws concerning what foods they could eat, the Jews had strict dietary regulations. Jesus said, "It's not what goes in the man that defiles him but what comes out." Paul believed this too but, he also believed that we should not use our freedom to cause somebody else to stumble, so if eating meat that was believed to have been sacrificed to some other god caused new believers to stumble then you shouldn't do that.
If having a glass of red wine for dinner offends your dinner guests because they just became a Christian and they thought that drinking was forbidden, then maybe you should have water that night even though there are health benefits for drinking red wine and you believe that it's okay to drink in moderation. You must exercise your freedom with responsibility.
We must be responsible with our freedom by:
1. Practicing Discretion. Just because you can doesn't mean that you should.
1 Corinthians 8:13
Therefore, if what I eat causes my brother or sister to fall into sin, I will never eat meat again, so that I will not cause them to fall.
2. Practice Moderation. Too much of anything ain't good for you.
Ephesians 5:18
The Message (MSG)
Don't drink too much wine. That cheapens your life. Drink the Spirit of God, huge draughts of him.
3. Practice Consideration. Always think about how your actions will impact others. Make sure you do what you do out of love and concern for those that you influence.
1 Corinthians 8
Now about food sacrificed to idols: We know that "We all possess knowledge." But knowledge puffs up while love builds up.
Dear God,
Help me to use my freedom responsibly. I know you want me to enjoy life and life more abundantly but I also know that you want me to be a stepping stone and not a stumbling block. If I have said anything or done anything that caused someone weaker in the faith to stumble please forgive me and help them to recover. Today, use me to help someone see you in what I do. Today, I want to see somebody get closer to Jesus so I can look back and say, "Did I do that?"
In Jesus Name,
Be careful, however, that the exercise of your freedom does not become a stumbling block to the weak.
In the hit sitcom, Family Matters, Steve Urkel always seemed to find a way to bumble and cause someone else to stumble. He was a loving little nerd but always seemed to be getting in the way and whenever he caused some kind of mishap, he would ask, "Did I dooo thaaaat?!"
How many times have we looked back on the mess we left in our tracks to ask, "Did I do that?" It's so much easier to keep going and blame others when they trip over our stuff instead of asking, "Did I do that?" At some point we have to take ownership in the influence that we have over other people.
As Christians, we have a moral obligation to make sure we don't do anything to cause those who are weaker in the faith to stumble. We've all had some blunders in our lives where we meant something good but like Steve Urkel we just made a mess out of things. Steve was smart he just didn't use common sense sometimes. As believers we have to use common sense to make sure that what we do is for the common good.
The more enlightened we get in terms of God's grace and lose the chains of traditon the more freedom we feel to live life unfettered by the opinions of narrow minded people. On the other hand, we have a responsibiilty to manage our freedom in such a way that it doesn't cause weaker people in the faith to stumble.
The Apostle Paul talked about eating meat sacrificed to idols as being theologically permissable for Christians. Prior to Jesus' liberating the Jews from man-made laws concerning what foods they could eat, the Jews had strict dietary regulations. Jesus said, "It's not what goes in the man that defiles him but what comes out." Paul believed this too but, he also believed that we should not use our freedom to cause somebody else to stumble, so if eating meat that was believed to have been sacrificed to some other god caused new believers to stumble then you shouldn't do that.
If having a glass of red wine for dinner offends your dinner guests because they just became a Christian and they thought that drinking was forbidden, then maybe you should have water that night even though there are health benefits for drinking red wine and you believe that it's okay to drink in moderation. You must exercise your freedom with responsibility.
We must be responsible with our freedom by:
1. Practicing Discretion. Just because you can doesn't mean that you should.
1 Corinthians 8:13
Therefore, if what I eat causes my brother or sister to fall into sin, I will never eat meat again, so that I will not cause them to fall.
2. Practice Moderation. Too much of anything ain't good for you.
Ephesians 5:18
The Message (MSG)
Don't drink too much wine. That cheapens your life. Drink the Spirit of God, huge draughts of him.
3. Practice Consideration. Always think about how your actions will impact others. Make sure you do what you do out of love and concern for those that you influence.
1 Corinthians 8
Now about food sacrificed to idols: We know that "We all possess knowledge." But knowledge puffs up while love builds up.
Dear God,
Help me to use my freedom responsibly. I know you want me to enjoy life and life more abundantly but I also know that you want me to be a stepping stone and not a stumbling block. If I have said anything or done anything that caused someone weaker in the faith to stumble please forgive me and help them to recover. Today, use me to help someone see you in what I do. Today, I want to see somebody get closer to Jesus so I can look back and say, "Did I do that?"
In Jesus Name,
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Is It Good for You?
I Corinthians 6:12
Someone will say, "I am allowed to do anything," yes but not everything is good for you. I could say that I am allowed to do anything, but I am not going to let anything make me its slave.
The late, great Heavy D had a song that asked, "Is it good to you?" It was a love song where the overweight lover Heavy D kept asking his love interest, 'Is it good to you?' It's an important question that every husband ought to ask his wife but it's not a great question to ask yourself. Too many people are stuck on this question and it seems to be the prevailing question of this generation who seem to be driven by pleasure, 'Is it good to you?" But if you are drven by purpose the question ought to be, "Is it good for you?" Because what's good to you may not be good for you.
America is the land of the free and the home of the slave. We are free to do whatever we want to do but in doing so we have become a slave to our compulsivity. I found out yesterday that 89% of HIV cases in Memphis, TN are African Americans, and 27% of those are black women. We are one of the most unhealhtiest cities with sedentary lifestyles and obesity. We have good food but many times it just ain't good for you. We are also one of the higest cities who have a high incident of bankruptcy. Some of us have made some good money but we haven't done good with our money.
Sex, food and money are not bad in themselves but it's what and how we use them that determines if they are good for us.
1. Sex--Sexual Immorality is sex outside of marriage. Sexual integrity is when you are fulfilled by your spouse only. Sexual sin is the only sin that does damage to the body spiritually and physically. Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Sprit and your spouse is the only high priest ordained to come in.
2. Food--food is not all about how good it taste but it's about how good it is for you. What is the nutritional value of what you're eating? What is the caloric intake you are supposed to eat everyday for maximum health benefits? How much exercise do you need to maintain good health.
3. Money--Money is not the root of all evil but the LOVE of money is the root of all evil. It's hard for the rich to enter into heaven. They are slaves to their money.
You are free to do whatever you want to do. You are a grown person but if you really want to live the abundant life that Jesus has for you then you have to change your question from, "Is it good to you?" to "Is it good for me?"
Dear God,
Thank you for helping me to change my question. I want to be pleasing and acceptable to you before I please myself. I would rather please you than be caught up trying to please people. Give me the discipline to do what is good for me and not just what is good to me. Lead me today into what is good for me.
In Jesus Name,
Someone will say, "I am allowed to do anything," yes but not everything is good for you. I could say that I am allowed to do anything, but I am not going to let anything make me its slave.
The late, great Heavy D had a song that asked, "Is it good to you?" It was a love song where the overweight lover Heavy D kept asking his love interest, 'Is it good to you?' It's an important question that every husband ought to ask his wife but it's not a great question to ask yourself. Too many people are stuck on this question and it seems to be the prevailing question of this generation who seem to be driven by pleasure, 'Is it good to you?" But if you are drven by purpose the question ought to be, "Is it good for you?" Because what's good to you may not be good for you.
America is the land of the free and the home of the slave. We are free to do whatever we want to do but in doing so we have become a slave to our compulsivity. I found out yesterday that 89% of HIV cases in Memphis, TN are African Americans, and 27% of those are black women. We are one of the most unhealhtiest cities with sedentary lifestyles and obesity. We have good food but many times it just ain't good for you. We are also one of the higest cities who have a high incident of bankruptcy. Some of us have made some good money but we haven't done good with our money.
Sex, food and money are not bad in themselves but it's what and how we use them that determines if they are good for us.
1. Sex--Sexual Immorality is sex outside of marriage. Sexual integrity is when you are fulfilled by your spouse only. Sexual sin is the only sin that does damage to the body spiritually and physically. Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Sprit and your spouse is the only high priest ordained to come in.
2. Food--food is not all about how good it taste but it's about how good it is for you. What is the nutritional value of what you're eating? What is the caloric intake you are supposed to eat everyday for maximum health benefits? How much exercise do you need to maintain good health.
3. Money--Money is not the root of all evil but the LOVE of money is the root of all evil. It's hard for the rich to enter into heaven. They are slaves to their money.
You are free to do whatever you want to do. You are a grown person but if you really want to live the abundant life that Jesus has for you then you have to change your question from, "Is it good to you?" to "Is it good for me?"
Dear God,
Thank you for helping me to change my question. I want to be pleasing and acceptable to you before I please myself. I would rather please you than be caught up trying to please people. Give me the discipline to do what is good for me and not just what is good to me. Lead me today into what is good for me.
In Jesus Name,
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Are You a Fool?!
I Cor. 1:26-27
Brothers, think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards…but God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong.
I was in the Nike store the other week and I was looking at some shoes when a young man with a gold grill, braids and white T-shirt approached me and said, “Hey fool, you work here?” I calmly replied, “No man, I don’t work here.” He said, “Sorry about that, thanks.” For some reason I wasn’t offended. For one I knew that’s the greeting that most young men give each other in the streets and then secondly, I am a fool...for Christ.
The old folks used to say, “God watches over babies and fools.” When I think back on when I was first called to be used by God, I qualified for the fool category. I loved God but I was ignorant to his way and lost in my own way of doing things. I didn’t come from a long line of royalty or wealth; I was smart but not wise. I didn’t have any fans or followers, but God decided to put his hands on me anyway.
God purposely looks out for fools to confuse the wise. He looks for the weak to mess up the strong. When it’s all said and done you and I can’t take any credit for what only God can do. I can’t really tell you how God took us from 60 people to 18,000 people in ten years of existence as a church. I think when we attempt to start explaining it and taking credit for it, that’s when God removes his hands off of it. The only thing I can truly say is that God loved me enough to use me and he can use you too.
Here are the criteria for being used by God:
1. Not very wise. Solomon says that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom. When Solomon became King after his father David, he told God, “I don’t know what I’m doing.” And he asked God for Wisdom. If you don’t know what you are doing but you get out of the way and let God use you, he can make you wise. Don’t use the excuse that you don’t know how to do it to stop God from using you to do it.
2. Not many were influential. Leadership is influence. If you are leading and no one is following, you’re just taking a long lonely walk. People follow you because they are influenced by God’s spirit in you. God gives charisma or gifts for people to lead. You can use those gifts for good or bad. How you use them determines if God continues to let you lead.
3. Not of Noble birth. God often chooses people of the smallest clan and tribes to lead his people. i.e. Gideon, David, Jesus. Despise not small beginnings. I was born in a town with a population smaller than the size of my church. I love God’s sense of humor. If you come from a small place or a lowly place, you are a good candidate for God to do something big through you.
So if you are going to do any bragging about what you’ve been able to accomplish, let me ask you something: “Hey Fool, do you work here? Hey fool, did you graduate because you were so smart? Hey fool, did you really do all this by yourself?” My reply is: “No, I didn’t and I’m not a fool! I am a fool for Christ.”
Dear God,
Thank you for choosing me to serve you and lead your people. You’ve made my stumbling look like steps and my guessing look like genius. I really don’t know how you did it or why you did it but I’m so glad that you did it. Even though the world may think that I’m a fool for serving Jesus, I will be the biggest fool I can and serve you all the more because I know too much about you for them to make me doubt you. I am a fool for Christ.
In Jesus Name,
Brothers, think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards…but God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong.
I was in the Nike store the other week and I was looking at some shoes when a young man with a gold grill, braids and white T-shirt approached me and said, “Hey fool, you work here?” I calmly replied, “No man, I don’t work here.” He said, “Sorry about that, thanks.” For some reason I wasn’t offended. For one I knew that’s the greeting that most young men give each other in the streets and then secondly, I am a fool...for Christ.
The old folks used to say, “God watches over babies and fools.” When I think back on when I was first called to be used by God, I qualified for the fool category. I loved God but I was ignorant to his way and lost in my own way of doing things. I didn’t come from a long line of royalty or wealth; I was smart but not wise. I didn’t have any fans or followers, but God decided to put his hands on me anyway.
God purposely looks out for fools to confuse the wise. He looks for the weak to mess up the strong. When it’s all said and done you and I can’t take any credit for what only God can do. I can’t really tell you how God took us from 60 people to 18,000 people in ten years of existence as a church. I think when we attempt to start explaining it and taking credit for it, that’s when God removes his hands off of it. The only thing I can truly say is that God loved me enough to use me and he can use you too.
Here are the criteria for being used by God:
1. Not very wise. Solomon says that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom. When Solomon became King after his father David, he told God, “I don’t know what I’m doing.” And he asked God for Wisdom. If you don’t know what you are doing but you get out of the way and let God use you, he can make you wise. Don’t use the excuse that you don’t know how to do it to stop God from using you to do it.
2. Not many were influential. Leadership is influence. If you are leading and no one is following, you’re just taking a long lonely walk. People follow you because they are influenced by God’s spirit in you. God gives charisma or gifts for people to lead. You can use those gifts for good or bad. How you use them determines if God continues to let you lead.
3. Not of Noble birth. God often chooses people of the smallest clan and tribes to lead his people. i.e. Gideon, David, Jesus. Despise not small beginnings. I was born in a town with a population smaller than the size of my church. I love God’s sense of humor. If you come from a small place or a lowly place, you are a good candidate for God to do something big through you.
So if you are going to do any bragging about what you’ve been able to accomplish, let me ask you something: “Hey Fool, do you work here? Hey fool, did you graduate because you were so smart? Hey fool, did you really do all this by yourself?” My reply is: “No, I didn’t and I’m not a fool! I am a fool for Christ.”
Dear God,
Thank you for choosing me to serve you and lead your people. You’ve made my stumbling look like steps and my guessing look like genius. I really don’t know how you did it or why you did it but I’m so glad that you did it. Even though the world may think that I’m a fool for serving Jesus, I will be the biggest fool I can and serve you all the more because I know too much about you for them to make me doubt you. I am a fool for Christ.
In Jesus Name,
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Have You Heard the Rooster?
.Mark 14:72
Immediately the rooster crowed the second time. Then Peter remembered the word Jesus had spoken to him: “Before the rooster crows twice you will disown me three times.” And he broke down and wept.
My Grandmother used to raise chickens. When the sun rose in the mornings the most alluring sound would be the trumpeting of the rooster alerting us of a new day. It was time to get up when you heard the rooster crow. A new day had dawned when the rooster crowed. There was no more sleeping when the rooster crowed.
Not many of us wake up anymore to the sound of a rooster breaking the silence of the night to introduce a new day but there is the alarm of our conscience that alerts us that we have betrayed Jesus somewhere in our lives. If you listen hard enough you can still hear the rooster crow.
Peter had good intentions. He told Jesus he would never leave him or betray him. Peter told Jesus he would die with Jesus if he had to. Jesus told Peter, “You will deny me three times before the Rooster crows twice.”
Sure enough Peter saw Jesus arrested and beaten. The severity of the beating and the trauma of seeing Jesus being manhandled caused Peter to fall back, follow at a distance, and forsake his allegiance. All this he did without even realizing that he was doing the exact opposite of what he told Jesus he would do.
Peter denied Jesus in three different instances before the rooster crowed:
1. He denied association. When times get hard many of us who used to be with Jesus, distance ourselves in hard times. Jesus and the church is taking a beating lately and many of his followers have fallen back. The church is the bride of Christ and to deny her is to deny him. Don’t fall back step up.
2. He denied confirmation. Other people recognized Peter had been with Jesus but he denied it. People have spoken over your life and confirmed what you know inside but fail to confess. Jesus is in you but you agree with the call on your life.
3. He denied validation. They said, “You talk like him.” They could hear Jesus in his dialect. We deny Jesus when we refuse to speak about him or deny that there is something distinct about our dialect.
After their third time of denying Jesus, the rooster crowed, then Peter remembered what Jesus said, and he broke down and wept. When was the last time you cried after you realized that you’ve been living in denial? Has the crow caught up with your conscience? Has God awakened you to the sound of your own denial? Do the people you associate with know that you are a follower of Jesus or are you just hanging out? Have you received confirmation that there’s a call on your life or are you still in denial? Have you been broken over the fact that your intentions to follow Jesus have led to the realization that by the way you live you have actually denied Jesus existence? Do you hear the rooster crowing?
If you hear the rooster crowing this morning, wake up and recommit yourself to truly representing Jesus. Jesus is calling!
Dear God,
Help me to live out my intentions to follow you even if it means dying for what I believe. Let your light shine in me for the world to see. I cannot deny that I belong to you. Forgive me of falling back when I should’ve stepped up. I’m awake now, I heard the rooster crow. Thanks for the wakeup call.
In Jesus Name,
Immediately the rooster crowed the second time. Then Peter remembered the word Jesus had spoken to him: “Before the rooster crows twice you will disown me three times.” And he broke down and wept.
My Grandmother used to raise chickens. When the sun rose in the mornings the most alluring sound would be the trumpeting of the rooster alerting us of a new day. It was time to get up when you heard the rooster crow. A new day had dawned when the rooster crowed. There was no more sleeping when the rooster crowed.
Not many of us wake up anymore to the sound of a rooster breaking the silence of the night to introduce a new day but there is the alarm of our conscience that alerts us that we have betrayed Jesus somewhere in our lives. If you listen hard enough you can still hear the rooster crow.
Peter had good intentions. He told Jesus he would never leave him or betray him. Peter told Jesus he would die with Jesus if he had to. Jesus told Peter, “You will deny me three times before the Rooster crows twice.”
Sure enough Peter saw Jesus arrested and beaten. The severity of the beating and the trauma of seeing Jesus being manhandled caused Peter to fall back, follow at a distance, and forsake his allegiance. All this he did without even realizing that he was doing the exact opposite of what he told Jesus he would do.
Peter denied Jesus in three different instances before the rooster crowed:
1. He denied association. When times get hard many of us who used to be with Jesus, distance ourselves in hard times. Jesus and the church is taking a beating lately and many of his followers have fallen back. The church is the bride of Christ and to deny her is to deny him. Don’t fall back step up.
2. He denied confirmation. Other people recognized Peter had been with Jesus but he denied it. People have spoken over your life and confirmed what you know inside but fail to confess. Jesus is in you but you agree with the call on your life.
3. He denied validation. They said, “You talk like him.” They could hear Jesus in his dialect. We deny Jesus when we refuse to speak about him or deny that there is something distinct about our dialect.
After their third time of denying Jesus, the rooster crowed, then Peter remembered what Jesus said, and he broke down and wept. When was the last time you cried after you realized that you’ve been living in denial? Has the crow caught up with your conscience? Has God awakened you to the sound of your own denial? Do the people you associate with know that you are a follower of Jesus or are you just hanging out? Have you received confirmation that there’s a call on your life or are you still in denial? Have you been broken over the fact that your intentions to follow Jesus have led to the realization that by the way you live you have actually denied Jesus existence? Do you hear the rooster crowing?
If you hear the rooster crowing this morning, wake up and recommit yourself to truly representing Jesus. Jesus is calling!
Dear God,
Help me to live out my intentions to follow you even if it means dying for what I believe. Let your light shine in me for the world to see. I cannot deny that I belong to you. Forgive me of falling back when I should’ve stepped up. I’m awake now, I heard the rooster crow. Thanks for the wakeup call.
In Jesus Name,
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
The Poor Give More
Mark 12:43-44
43 Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything—all she had to live on.
Growing up I can always remember fondly, how poor folks always took care of each other. Whether it was swapping vegetables from their gardens, or sharing fish they had caught in the river, or wild game they got from the hunt in the woods, we took care of each other. What little we did have, we shared with one another.
I’ve experienced this same kind of resurgence recently in our community of faith with the people in my congregation. Sunday when I asked all of the unemployed to come to the altar, half the congregation came down. We gave away gas cards, paid light bills, groceries, and signed people up for job interviews after church. One of the most moving experiences as pastor was when I had more people who needed groceries than we had grocery cards for. The members responded by giving more money right there on the spot to help people get food to eat. The members responded by giving more money to help out. With half the people in the church not working they still gave more!
God sees our hearts when we give. There is not a time that goes by when Jesus doesn’t notice what we put in. In this text a poor widow woman puts in her last two coins in the offering and Jesus said, “She put in more than anybody else because she put in all she had.” Now mind you there were wealthy people putting in larger amounts than this poor widow but she gave more. Her sacrifice was greater. Many of us give but we don’t sacrifice. When we give it ought to come from our hearts and be sacrificial. God doesn’t want equal giving but equal sacrifice. This woman was poor but she gave more. Are you giving God your best or just enough to look good?
In the movie, The Grapes of Wrath, there is a poor family that is surviving the great depression. I love the movie because it shows poor people persevering and overcoming one of our nation’s hardest financial crisis. The mother in the movie says to her son, “I’m Learning one thing good..If you’re in trouble or hurt or in need-go to the poor people. They’re the only ones that’ll help—the only ones.”
The poor give more because:
1. They have a better sense of where their help comes from. If his eye is on the sparrow surely he watches over me.
2. They know what it feels like to need help. Matthew 5:7 You’re blessed when you care. At the moment of being ‘careful,’ you find yourselves cared for.
3. They know there is a greater reward coming. Blessed are the Poor for yours is the kingdom of God. Luke 6:20
4. The more you have the harder it is to let it go. It’s hard for the rich to enter the Kingdom of God. Mark 10:25
5. They know God’s going to give it back. Luke 6:38
Dear God,
Help me to trust you like that poor widow. All that I have, I give it back to you, knowing that you will provide for me and my neighbor, because poor people help poor people. Thank you Jesus for becoming poor so that I could live abundantly. You blessed me to be a blessing and today I give myself away so that you can use me.
In Jesus Name,
43 Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything—all she had to live on.
Growing up I can always remember fondly, how poor folks always took care of each other. Whether it was swapping vegetables from their gardens, or sharing fish they had caught in the river, or wild game they got from the hunt in the woods, we took care of each other. What little we did have, we shared with one another.
I’ve experienced this same kind of resurgence recently in our community of faith with the people in my congregation. Sunday when I asked all of the unemployed to come to the altar, half the congregation came down. We gave away gas cards, paid light bills, groceries, and signed people up for job interviews after church. One of the most moving experiences as pastor was when I had more people who needed groceries than we had grocery cards for. The members responded by giving more money right there on the spot to help people get food to eat. The members responded by giving more money to help out. With half the people in the church not working they still gave more!
God sees our hearts when we give. There is not a time that goes by when Jesus doesn’t notice what we put in. In this text a poor widow woman puts in her last two coins in the offering and Jesus said, “She put in more than anybody else because she put in all she had.” Now mind you there were wealthy people putting in larger amounts than this poor widow but she gave more. Her sacrifice was greater. Many of us give but we don’t sacrifice. When we give it ought to come from our hearts and be sacrificial. God doesn’t want equal giving but equal sacrifice. This woman was poor but she gave more. Are you giving God your best or just enough to look good?
In the movie, The Grapes of Wrath, there is a poor family that is surviving the great depression. I love the movie because it shows poor people persevering and overcoming one of our nation’s hardest financial crisis. The mother in the movie says to her son, “I’m Learning one thing good..If you’re in trouble or hurt or in need-go to the poor people. They’re the only ones that’ll help—the only ones.”
The poor give more because:
1. They have a better sense of where their help comes from. If his eye is on the sparrow surely he watches over me.
2. They know what it feels like to need help. Matthew 5:7 You’re blessed when you care. At the moment of being ‘careful,’ you find yourselves cared for.
3. They know there is a greater reward coming. Blessed are the Poor for yours is the kingdom of God. Luke 6:20
4. The more you have the harder it is to let it go. It’s hard for the rich to enter the Kingdom of God. Mark 10:25
5. They know God’s going to give it back. Luke 6:38
Dear God,
Help me to trust you like that poor widow. All that I have, I give it back to you, knowing that you will provide for me and my neighbor, because poor people help poor people. Thank you Jesus for becoming poor so that I could live abundantly. You blessed me to be a blessing and today I give myself away so that you can use me.
In Jesus Name,
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Mi Cloud
Mark 9:7
Then a Cloud appeared and enveloped them and a voice came from the cloud: "This is my Son, whom I love. Listen to him.'
iCloud is so much more than a hard drive in the sky. It makes it quick and effortless to access just about everything on the devices you use every day. iCloud automatically and securely stores your content so it's always available to your iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, Mac or PC. It gives you access to your music, apps, latest photos and more from whichever device you happen to be using. iCloud does it all for you.
This souds simple but also intimidating. This Cloud is going to have access to all my information. It's easy but can I trust this cloud to securely hold all my information and can I retreive it anytime I need it? I like the fact that it keeps all my devices in sync. I like the fact that it gives me storage space for my important documents. I like the fact that I have access at all times to my most important things. Everyitng I need is in iCloud.
When you stop to think about it we've always had iCloud. When God led the Children of Israel out of Egypt he was a Cloud by day and fire by night. Moses asked him what his name was. He said, "I am that I am." That makes him ICloud!
Psalm 121 says, "The Lord watches over you--The Lord is your shade at your right hand; the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night. the Lord will keep you from all harm (secure) he will watch over your life.
When Jesus was transformed on the Mountain he had three of his disciples or devices; Peter, James and John. Jesus was tyring to upgrade his mission by downloading a revelation while syncing with older versions Elijah and Moses to a newer version of the OT Lion of Judah. When his syncing was interrupted by Peter who suggested they set up 3 servers one for Elijah, Moses and Jesus. Just then ICloud showed up to simplify the process and download the Revelation to all three disciples at the same time. The Voice from the ICloud said, "This is my beloved Son, listen to him!" Afer the voice spoke the disciples looked around and there was no one there but Jesus, meaning that from now on everything they needed would be in him. Jesus is our Siri! With the new Iphone 4s, Siri is the voice that will help you access all the information in the cloud or on your device. All you have to do is ask Siri what you need and the voice is able to access the cloud to give you what you need through your device. You and I are the device that other people ought to be able to hear the voice and access the cloud.
God is the iCloud that has:
1. Access to all your information. Jesus knows all about our struggles. There is nothing hidden to God that will not be revealed. What is done in the darkness shall come to the light.
2. He's able to keep us in sync. Where two or three are gathered in Jesus Name there he will be in the midst. Whatsoever we touch and agree upon shall be done. Whatever we bind on earth shall be bound in heaven. Whatever we loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.
3. Our information is secure in him. Psalm 121:8 The Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forever.
4. Don't move without the cloud. Exodus 40:37 37 but if the cloud did not lift, they did not set out—until the day it lifted.
5. He will seperate you from your enemies. Exodus 14:20 20 coming between the armies of Egypt and Israel. Throughout the night the cloud brought darkness to the one side and light to the other side; so neither went near the other all night long.
6. The Cloud means it's time to worship! Exodus 33:10 10 Whenever the people saw the pillar of cloud standing at the entrance to the tent, they all stood and worshiped, each at the entrance to their tent.
Dear God,
Sync me up with your will. Lead me with your Cloud. Let your Glory Cloud fill the Church. Let your Cloud watch over me all day. I'm listenting for your voice.
In Jesus Name,
Then a Cloud appeared and enveloped them and a voice came from the cloud: "This is my Son, whom I love. Listen to him.'
iCloud is so much more than a hard drive in the sky. It makes it quick and effortless to access just about everything on the devices you use every day. iCloud automatically and securely stores your content so it's always available to your iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, Mac or PC. It gives you access to your music, apps, latest photos and more from whichever device you happen to be using. iCloud does it all for you.
This souds simple but also intimidating. This Cloud is going to have access to all my information. It's easy but can I trust this cloud to securely hold all my information and can I retreive it anytime I need it? I like the fact that it keeps all my devices in sync. I like the fact that it gives me storage space for my important documents. I like the fact that I have access at all times to my most important things. Everyitng I need is in iCloud.
When you stop to think about it we've always had iCloud. When God led the Children of Israel out of Egypt he was a Cloud by day and fire by night. Moses asked him what his name was. He said, "I am that I am." That makes him ICloud!
Psalm 121 says, "The Lord watches over you--The Lord is your shade at your right hand; the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night. the Lord will keep you from all harm (secure) he will watch over your life.
When Jesus was transformed on the Mountain he had three of his disciples or devices; Peter, James and John. Jesus was tyring to upgrade his mission by downloading a revelation while syncing with older versions Elijah and Moses to a newer version of the OT Lion of Judah. When his syncing was interrupted by Peter who suggested they set up 3 servers one for Elijah, Moses and Jesus. Just then ICloud showed up to simplify the process and download the Revelation to all three disciples at the same time. The Voice from the ICloud said, "This is my beloved Son, listen to him!" Afer the voice spoke the disciples looked around and there was no one there but Jesus, meaning that from now on everything they needed would be in him. Jesus is our Siri! With the new Iphone 4s, Siri is the voice that will help you access all the information in the cloud or on your device. All you have to do is ask Siri what you need and the voice is able to access the cloud to give you what you need through your device. You and I are the device that other people ought to be able to hear the voice and access the cloud.
God is the iCloud that has:
1. Access to all your information. Jesus knows all about our struggles. There is nothing hidden to God that will not be revealed. What is done in the darkness shall come to the light.
2. He's able to keep us in sync. Where two or three are gathered in Jesus Name there he will be in the midst. Whatsoever we touch and agree upon shall be done. Whatever we bind on earth shall be bound in heaven. Whatever we loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.
3. Our information is secure in him. Psalm 121:8 The Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forever.
4. Don't move without the cloud. Exodus 40:37 37 but if the cloud did not lift, they did not set out—until the day it lifted.
5. He will seperate you from your enemies. Exodus 14:20 20 coming between the armies of Egypt and Israel. Throughout the night the cloud brought darkness to the one side and light to the other side; so neither went near the other all night long.
6. The Cloud means it's time to worship! Exodus 33:10 10 Whenever the people saw the pillar of cloud standing at the entrance to the tent, they all stood and worshiped, each at the entrance to their tent.
Dear God,
Sync me up with your will. Lead me with your Cloud. Let your Glory Cloud fill the Church. Let your Cloud watch over me all day. I'm listenting for your voice.
In Jesus Name,
Monday, October 31, 2011
I'm Lost Without You
Mark 8:35
For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me and for the gospel will save it.
God's economy is much different than ours. In God's economy the more we give away the more we have left. In our economy the more we try to keep for ourselves the more we lose. Of course the important link is movtive, "Why we do what we do." Only what we do for Christ will last. Without Christ we are lost.
In order to be a disciple of Jesus, we must deny our self-preserving ways and surrender our lives to his service. In his book Radical, Taking Back Your Faith from the American Dream, David Platt talks about how we must De-captilize the Christian faith to properly reflect the sacrifices for being a follower of Jesus Christ. We've allowed capitalistic influences to infiltrate what it means to be a Christian. Many of us are lost in a religion that no longer truly represents the heart of Jesus.
It is only when we abandon our selfish perusuit of material accquistion and instead use our God given wealth to help others that we truly represent Jesus. When we give ourselves away so that God can use us is when we really find Life more abundantly.
What does it profit a man to become a success but lose his soul in the process? What will a man give in exchange for his soul? We need to abandon anything that would make us compromise our convictions in Christ It's easier for those of us who don't have much to get in sync with God's will than it is for those of us who have more. When God blesses you with excess it's not for you to hoard but for you to give more away.
Dear God,
Help me to give my life away so that I can have life in you. Bless those who do not have through those of us who do. Use me today to bless those that I can with what I can. Use me Lord until you use me up.
In Jesus Name,
For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me and for the gospel will save it.
God's economy is much different than ours. In God's economy the more we give away the more we have left. In our economy the more we try to keep for ourselves the more we lose. Of course the important link is movtive, "Why we do what we do." Only what we do for Christ will last. Without Christ we are lost.
In order to be a disciple of Jesus, we must deny our self-preserving ways and surrender our lives to his service. In his book Radical, Taking Back Your Faith from the American Dream, David Platt talks about how we must De-captilize the Christian faith to properly reflect the sacrifices for being a follower of Jesus Christ. We've allowed capitalistic influences to infiltrate what it means to be a Christian. Many of us are lost in a religion that no longer truly represents the heart of Jesus.
It is only when we abandon our selfish perusuit of material accquistion and instead use our God given wealth to help others that we truly represent Jesus. When we give ourselves away so that God can use us is when we really find Life more abundantly.
What does it profit a man to become a success but lose his soul in the process? What will a man give in exchange for his soul? We need to abandon anything that would make us compromise our convictions in Christ It's easier for those of us who don't have much to get in sync with God's will than it is for those of us who have more. When God blesses you with excess it's not for you to hoard but for you to give more away.
Dear God,
Help me to give my life away so that I can have life in you. Bless those who do not have through those of us who do. Use me today to bless those that I can with what I can. Use me Lord until you use me up.
In Jesus Name,
Thursday, October 27, 2011
What Else Do They Want From Me?!
Acts 28:27
For this people's heart has become calloused; they hardly hear with their ears, and they have closed their eyes. Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts and turn and I would heal them.
It can be a frustrating thing when you give your best to people and they not respond to what you give. Whether it's a marriage, teaching students in school, pastoring a church, coaching a team; it can be downright disheartening when you teach, preach, share your heart to others only to have them walk way not getting what you have poured out over and over and over. It makes you want to ask, "What else do you want from me?" Their answer would probably be, "Nothing!" The truth of the matter is that there will be people who will not be able to receive from you because for one reason or the other their hearts have become hardened and they can't receive from you any longer. As painful as it is there will be people in your life who will reach a point where they will not receive what was meant for them exclusively and you will have to watch their backs as they walk away from what was meant for them. There is nothing else you can do but share what God gave you and hope it falls on good ground. Giving is your responsibility, receiving is theirs. Just as God cannot make you love him, you cannot make them love you!
Jesus had masses of people following him in the early parts of his ministry when he was healing, feeding, and preaching to the people, but when he extended his reach to the gentiles and challenged them in his teaching many of those same people he helped stopped following him. Every leader reaches a season where the crowd starts thinning out and the core has to be strengthened. What else can you do when it seems that the people you've been called to don't seem to be receiving what you're saying:
1. You have to be clear that God is calling you to reach a specific group of people and everybody is not called to you. Just because they are in the crowd intially doesn't mean they will remain in your corner.
2. Make sure you give quality to those who are listening and not give up because of the fickeledness of the crowd. Keep feeding those that want to hear what God has given you. Check yourself first and make sure you are up on your stuff but after you've done a quality inspection of what you give out you can't get stuck after you've given your best.
3. Don't take it personal when they walk away when you know you've done your best. People come and People go, it's what people do but make sure you take care of the people that are sent to you
4. Do your best and let God do the rest. It is God who adds and gives increase. Do your level best to preach and teach only what God gives you. He will send to you the disciples, team members, and partners who are supposed to be walking with you, who fit your DNA and mission.
5. Pray for the hearts of the people that God is sending you to, that they may be open and receptive to the truth.
6. If they don't receive you, shake the dust from your feet and keep it moving.
7. Celebrate the ones who do receive and pour your time, energy, and love into them.
Thank you for the people you've allowed.
For this people's heart has become calloused; they hardly hear with their ears, and they have closed their eyes. Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts and turn and I would heal them.
It can be a frustrating thing when you give your best to people and they not respond to what you give. Whether it's a marriage, teaching students in school, pastoring a church, coaching a team; it can be downright disheartening when you teach, preach, share your heart to others only to have them walk way not getting what you have poured out over and over and over. It makes you want to ask, "What else do you want from me?" Their answer would probably be, "Nothing!" The truth of the matter is that there will be people who will not be able to receive from you because for one reason or the other their hearts have become hardened and they can't receive from you any longer. As painful as it is there will be people in your life who will reach a point where they will not receive what was meant for them exclusively and you will have to watch their backs as they walk away from what was meant for them. There is nothing else you can do but share what God gave you and hope it falls on good ground. Giving is your responsibility, receiving is theirs. Just as God cannot make you love him, you cannot make them love you!
Jesus had masses of people following him in the early parts of his ministry when he was healing, feeding, and preaching to the people, but when he extended his reach to the gentiles and challenged them in his teaching many of those same people he helped stopped following him. Every leader reaches a season where the crowd starts thinning out and the core has to be strengthened. What else can you do when it seems that the people you've been called to don't seem to be receiving what you're saying:
1. You have to be clear that God is calling you to reach a specific group of people and everybody is not called to you. Just because they are in the crowd intially doesn't mean they will remain in your corner.
2. Make sure you give quality to those who are listening and not give up because of the fickeledness of the crowd. Keep feeding those that want to hear what God has given you. Check yourself first and make sure you are up on your stuff but after you've done a quality inspection of what you give out you can't get stuck after you've given your best.
3. Don't take it personal when they walk away when you know you've done your best. People come and People go, it's what people do but make sure you take care of the people that are sent to you
4. Do your best and let God do the rest. It is God who adds and gives increase. Do your level best to preach and teach only what God gives you. He will send to you the disciples, team members, and partners who are supposed to be walking with you, who fit your DNA and mission.
5. Pray for the hearts of the people that God is sending you to, that they may be open and receptive to the truth.
6. If they don't receive you, shake the dust from your feet and keep it moving.
7. Celebrate the ones who do receive and pour your time, energy, and love into them.
Thank you for the people you've allowed.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Too Short
Acts 26:28
Then Agrippa said to Paul, “Do you think that in such a short time you can persuade me to be a Christian?”
Back in the 80’s evangelical Christians used to hand out little tracts as an attempt to win people to Christ. They were like little short stories of heaven and hell that were used to convince people of their need for Salvation in Jesus. These were great discussion starters but oftentimes they were too short to convince the average unbeliever of their need for Jesus. More than a tract, unbelievers are looking at the trek of your life to see how you live out your life more than they are looking at what you hand out. These popcorn testimonials are great discussion starters about peoples' need for God but in order to convince people to follow Jesus as their Lord and Savor they must be convinced that we follow Jesus ourselves.
The Apostle Paul was on trial for allegedly stirring up trouble in Jerusalem. He was explaining his faith journey and encounter with the risen Jesus to King Agrippa. Paul was getting close to convincing King Agrippa as he tried to make the connection from the Prophets to Jesus. King Agrippa felt Paul trying to make a logical leap and connect King Agrippa to Christ when Agrippa interrupted Paul and said, “Do you think in such a short time you can persuade me to be a Christian?” ‘Your time is too short!’
Like Paul we don’t have much time with people these days. Time is a precious commodity. Tweets only hold 140 characters. Preachers are sending out prayers in sound bites, everybody is trying to sound profound in a limited amount of time and space and 140 characters are just too short to share all of what God has done for you but you shouldn't let that stop you from sharing your faith just because your time is too short.
1. To effectively share your faith you need time to establish relationship with the people you are witnessing to. You are not always going to encounter people who believe what you do but it doesn’t hurt to share what you believe. Just know that you are not going to convert everybody on the first try. Build relationship and consistently live out your faith. Don’t just say it. Live it!
2. Know that sometimes you are only planting a seed for somebody else to water later. One man plants, one man waters, and God gives the increase. Even though your time is too short God’s word never returns void.
3. It’s not the amount of time but the quality of what you share. Be clear. Be Concise. Be caring.
4. Pray for God to use the time you do have. Don’t waste your time when God puts you in front of important people. Pray for what to say. Paul said in verse 29, ‘Short time or long—I pray God that not only you but all who are listening to me today may become what I am, except for these chains.”
Dear God,
Use my time to make an impact on the people you put me in front of today. Teach me how to make the most of my time, whether short or long. I pray that unbelievers would come to know Jesus by my life and words because Life is too short.
In Jesus Name,
Then Agrippa said to Paul, “Do you think that in such a short time you can persuade me to be a Christian?”
Back in the 80’s evangelical Christians used to hand out little tracts as an attempt to win people to Christ. They were like little short stories of heaven and hell that were used to convince people of their need for Salvation in Jesus. These were great discussion starters but oftentimes they were too short to convince the average unbeliever of their need for Jesus. More than a tract, unbelievers are looking at the trek of your life to see how you live out your life more than they are looking at what you hand out. These popcorn testimonials are great discussion starters about peoples' need for God but in order to convince people to follow Jesus as their Lord and Savor they must be convinced that we follow Jesus ourselves.
The Apostle Paul was on trial for allegedly stirring up trouble in Jerusalem. He was explaining his faith journey and encounter with the risen Jesus to King Agrippa. Paul was getting close to convincing King Agrippa as he tried to make the connection from the Prophets to Jesus. King Agrippa felt Paul trying to make a logical leap and connect King Agrippa to Christ when Agrippa interrupted Paul and said, “Do you think in such a short time you can persuade me to be a Christian?” ‘Your time is too short!’
Like Paul we don’t have much time with people these days. Time is a precious commodity. Tweets only hold 140 characters. Preachers are sending out prayers in sound bites, everybody is trying to sound profound in a limited amount of time and space and 140 characters are just too short to share all of what God has done for you but you shouldn't let that stop you from sharing your faith just because your time is too short.
1. To effectively share your faith you need time to establish relationship with the people you are witnessing to. You are not always going to encounter people who believe what you do but it doesn’t hurt to share what you believe. Just know that you are not going to convert everybody on the first try. Build relationship and consistently live out your faith. Don’t just say it. Live it!
2. Know that sometimes you are only planting a seed for somebody else to water later. One man plants, one man waters, and God gives the increase. Even though your time is too short God’s word never returns void.
3. It’s not the amount of time but the quality of what you share. Be clear. Be Concise. Be caring.
4. Pray for God to use the time you do have. Don’t waste your time when God puts you in front of important people. Pray for what to say. Paul said in verse 29, ‘Short time or long—I pray God that not only you but all who are listening to me today may become what I am, except for these chains.”
Dear God,
Use my time to make an impact on the people you put me in front of today. Teach me how to make the most of my time, whether short or long. I pray that unbelievers would come to know Jesus by my life and words because Life is too short.
In Jesus Name,
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
I Didn't Have to Pay!
Acts 22:28
New International Version (NIV)
28 Then the commander said, “I had to pay a lot of money for my citizenship.”
“But I was born a citizen,” Paul replied.
There are so many things that we take for granted these days that were provided at a great cost. The freedoms and privileges we enjoy came at a great cost. Our Civil Rights came at the cost of many lives, the shedding of much blood, imprisonments, beatings; lynchings and many of our children are oblivious that someone paid a great cost for their citizenship.
My son Jaden asked me the other day when were we going to stay in the Hotel again. I asked him, “Why?” He said, “I like staying in the Hotel because the food is free!” Jaden doesn’t understand that I have to pay for the room and food; all he has to do is wake up and eat. Many of us are like my 8 year old, we don’t understand the cost because somebody else paid the price for us to enjoy the perks of citizenship.
Paul was about to be flogged because the Roman officials couldn’t understand why the Jews were in an uproar over his presence in Jerusalem. The Romans had occupied Jerusalem and had jurisdiction over the legal affairs of the city. As they stretched Paul out to be whipped he brought to their attention, I am a Roman citizen. Is it legal for you to flog a Roman citizen who hasn’t even been found guilty?”
The Commander of the Roman Army who was carrying out the order to beat Paul was startled because he didn’t know that Paul was a Roman citizen. This changed the ball game. Paul’s citizenship gave him rights that Jews didn’t have. But what threw the commander off was that Paul was Jewish, spoke Aramaic, looked like a Jew but had Roman citizenship. He asked Paul, “Are you really a Roman citizen because I had to pay a lot of money for my citizenship?” Paul said, “I didn’t have to pay, I was born a citizen!”
He looked at Paul and made a pre-judgment because of his ethnicity and because of the way he talked and concluded that Paul couldn’t have been a citizen but Paul reminded him that I didn’t have to pay. Is there anything you are able to do today regardless of your color, regardless of where you live that you didn’t have to pay for? I remember getting a scholarship in college because my daddy fought in the Vietnam War. I didn’t have to pay because my daddy made the sacrifice. More than that I should have went to Hell but because Jesus paid for my sin with his life I didn’t have to pay to live out my life. I was born a citizen of God’s kingdom!
There are some things you don’t have to pay for because of what you received by simply being born again:
1. The penalty of your sin. Jesus paid the price of your sin by being flogged, and crucified. He went through excruciating pain so that you have forgiveness of sins. I Cor. 6:18-20
2. Abundant life. Jesus said, “The devil came to steal, kill, and destroy but I came that you might have life and life more abundantly!” John 10:10
3. Your Freedom. Not only do we have our Civil Rights but we also have the right to the tree of life through Jesus Christ. John 8:36 says, “He who the Son sets free is free indeed!”
4. Eternal life. If we believe that Jesus is the Son of God and believe in him we shall have eternal life. John 3:16 We didn’t even have to pay for it even though we should have. Jesus paid it all.
Dear God,
Thank you for sending Jesus to pay for my citizenship. As a result of being born again I am enjoying the privileges of citizenship. Thank you for the sacrifices of my ancestors who died for the freedoms I now enjoy. Somebody died that I might be born a citizen. I didn't have to pay for this and for that I am grateful!
In Jesus Name,
New International Version (NIV)
28 Then the commander said, “I had to pay a lot of money for my citizenship.”
“But I was born a citizen,” Paul replied.
There are so many things that we take for granted these days that were provided at a great cost. The freedoms and privileges we enjoy came at a great cost. Our Civil Rights came at the cost of many lives, the shedding of much blood, imprisonments, beatings; lynchings and many of our children are oblivious that someone paid a great cost for their citizenship.
My son Jaden asked me the other day when were we going to stay in the Hotel again. I asked him, “Why?” He said, “I like staying in the Hotel because the food is free!” Jaden doesn’t understand that I have to pay for the room and food; all he has to do is wake up and eat. Many of us are like my 8 year old, we don’t understand the cost because somebody else paid the price for us to enjoy the perks of citizenship.
Paul was about to be flogged because the Roman officials couldn’t understand why the Jews were in an uproar over his presence in Jerusalem. The Romans had occupied Jerusalem and had jurisdiction over the legal affairs of the city. As they stretched Paul out to be whipped he brought to their attention, I am a Roman citizen. Is it legal for you to flog a Roman citizen who hasn’t even been found guilty?”
The Commander of the Roman Army who was carrying out the order to beat Paul was startled because he didn’t know that Paul was a Roman citizen. This changed the ball game. Paul’s citizenship gave him rights that Jews didn’t have. But what threw the commander off was that Paul was Jewish, spoke Aramaic, looked like a Jew but had Roman citizenship. He asked Paul, “Are you really a Roman citizen because I had to pay a lot of money for my citizenship?” Paul said, “I didn’t have to pay, I was born a citizen!”
He looked at Paul and made a pre-judgment because of his ethnicity and because of the way he talked and concluded that Paul couldn’t have been a citizen but Paul reminded him that I didn’t have to pay. Is there anything you are able to do today regardless of your color, regardless of where you live that you didn’t have to pay for? I remember getting a scholarship in college because my daddy fought in the Vietnam War. I didn’t have to pay because my daddy made the sacrifice. More than that I should have went to Hell but because Jesus paid for my sin with his life I didn’t have to pay to live out my life. I was born a citizen of God’s kingdom!
There are some things you don’t have to pay for because of what you received by simply being born again:
1. The penalty of your sin. Jesus paid the price of your sin by being flogged, and crucified. He went through excruciating pain so that you have forgiveness of sins. I Cor. 6:18-20
2. Abundant life. Jesus said, “The devil came to steal, kill, and destroy but I came that you might have life and life more abundantly!” John 10:10
3. Your Freedom. Not only do we have our Civil Rights but we also have the right to the tree of life through Jesus Christ. John 8:36 says, “He who the Son sets free is free indeed!”
4. Eternal life. If we believe that Jesus is the Son of God and believe in him we shall have eternal life. John 3:16 We didn’t even have to pay for it even though we should have. Jesus paid it all.
Dear God,
Thank you for sending Jesus to pay for my citizenship. As a result of being born again I am enjoying the privileges of citizenship. Thank you for the sacrifices of my ancestors who died for the freedoms I now enjoy. Somebody died that I might be born a citizen. I didn't have to pay for this and for that I am grateful!
In Jesus Name,
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Desperate Times = Dependable Friends
Job 6:14-15
In trouble like this I need dependable friends whether I’ve forsaken God or not. But you, my friends, you deceive me like streams that go dry when no rain comes.
I think they need to come up with a new name for the people who they call “friends” on Facebook. I have over 5000 friends and Facebook only allows 5K. I’ve discovered that when I try to add people with whom I’m in relationship with I can’t because I’m over the limit because I’ve added people who requested to be my “friend” but from whom I never communicate with. They should change the name of “Friends” to “people who want to watch you live.” It’s not a slam on the people who genuinely want to interact with you but it is an inquiry as to why so many people hide behind the word “friend” but are not really friendly.
Social media is a reflection of real life. When we first got on the social scene we got many friends and followers we were linked up with, many people as we met on Foursquare and allowed people into MySpace but what we discovered over time is that many of these people are not dependable in desperate times.
The illusion of friendship in social media has overflowed into our private lives. We have the illusion of quantity with the reality of very little quality. Whodini asked the question, “Friends, how many of us have them, the ones we can depend on?”
The bible says that “brothers are born in the time of adversity, but Job says, “When I found myself in desperate times my brother or friends were not dependable.” Job compared his friends to intermittent streams that swell when it rains or when the snow melts.” There are seasons when people pour into your life when things are going good, you’re on top, you have money, you’ve got good health, everybody wants to be your friend but when it gets hot or you’re catching heat they dry up.
Desperate times calls for dependable friends. Job lost everything he had. He asked the question, “Do I have any power to help myself now that success has been driven from me? A despairing man should have the devotion of his friends.” Job’s friends accused him of doing wrong because he was suffering. Jobs friends speculated as to why he was not on top anymore. Job’s friends talked about him when they should have just listened to him.
Desperate times calls for dependable friends. How do we make sure we are dependable?
1. Be consistent. Be a friend in season and out of season. In good times and bad times.
2. Make sure you’re there when they’ve fallen just like you were when they were ballin'.
3. Encourage them in the Lord.
4. Take up for your friend and not give in to the Peanut gallery. Everybody has an opinion of how somebody got knocked down but only a friend helps them up.
5. Don’t be a fair-weather friend.
6. Call them in their dry season.
7. Pray for them.
Dear God,
Help me to remember that he who has friends must first show himself friendly. Help me to be the kind of friend that I want in my life. Help me to shorten my friend's list because life is too short to be frontin'.
In Jesus Name,
In trouble like this I need dependable friends whether I’ve forsaken God or not. But you, my friends, you deceive me like streams that go dry when no rain comes.
I think they need to come up with a new name for the people who they call “friends” on Facebook. I have over 5000 friends and Facebook only allows 5K. I’ve discovered that when I try to add people with whom I’m in relationship with I can’t because I’m over the limit because I’ve added people who requested to be my “friend” but from whom I never communicate with. They should change the name of “Friends” to “people who want to watch you live.” It’s not a slam on the people who genuinely want to interact with you but it is an inquiry as to why so many people hide behind the word “friend” but are not really friendly.
Social media is a reflection of real life. When we first got on the social scene we got many friends and followers we were linked up with, many people as we met on Foursquare and allowed people into MySpace but what we discovered over time is that many of these people are not dependable in desperate times.
The illusion of friendship in social media has overflowed into our private lives. We have the illusion of quantity with the reality of very little quality. Whodini asked the question, “Friends, how many of us have them, the ones we can depend on?”
The bible says that “brothers are born in the time of adversity, but Job says, “When I found myself in desperate times my brother or friends were not dependable.” Job compared his friends to intermittent streams that swell when it rains or when the snow melts.” There are seasons when people pour into your life when things are going good, you’re on top, you have money, you’ve got good health, everybody wants to be your friend but when it gets hot or you’re catching heat they dry up.
Desperate times calls for dependable friends. Job lost everything he had. He asked the question, “Do I have any power to help myself now that success has been driven from me? A despairing man should have the devotion of his friends.” Job’s friends accused him of doing wrong because he was suffering. Jobs friends speculated as to why he was not on top anymore. Job’s friends talked about him when they should have just listened to him.
Desperate times calls for dependable friends. How do we make sure we are dependable?
1. Be consistent. Be a friend in season and out of season. In good times and bad times.
2. Make sure you’re there when they’ve fallen just like you were when they were ballin'.
3. Encourage them in the Lord.
4. Take up for your friend and not give in to the Peanut gallery. Everybody has an opinion of how somebody got knocked down but only a friend helps them up.
5. Don’t be a fair-weather friend.
6. Call them in their dry season.
7. Pray for them.
Dear God,
Help me to remember that he who has friends must first show himself friendly. Help me to be the kind of friend that I want in my life. Help me to shorten my friend's list because life is too short to be frontin'.
In Jesus Name,
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Don't Call Me That!
Acts 10:15
The voice spoke to him a second time, “Do not call anything impure that God has made clean.”
People fear what they don’t understand. It's so easy to sit back and label other people unclean when we have been socialized to believe that because they are different they are unacceptable. For hundreds of years in America, we have been indoctrinated to believe that whites are better than blacks. Herman Cain was partially correct when he said that blacks have been brainwashed he just forgot to be inclusive in saying that White people have also been brainwashed into believing that they are superior to blacks based upon skin color. We have categorized people into categories of clean and unclean, cool and uncool, saint and sinner many times because of cultural conditioning. We have been robbed of relationship because of our labels that have been ingrained through pre-judging or prejudice. Many of us feel like the rapper T.I. when people label us before knowing us, “You might see me in the street but you don’t know me!”
To know me is to love me and many of us can’t adequately love our neighbor because we miss the opportunity to know people because we have labeled each other as conservative, liberal, dirty, sinner, cult and contemporary, secular; without taking the time to really get to know who we are on the inside.
Peter was on the rooftop praying when God gave him a vision of all the things that were forbidden for him to eat according to his religious tradition. God told him to rise and eat! Peter said, “That stuff is nasty and I never have and never will eat that.” God said, “Don’t call anything unclean that I have made clean.” Does God change his mind on what we call nasty or has what we called nasty been redeemed because God changed it?
Once we’ve been redeemed you can’t call me nasty anymore. I am not ignorant you can’t call me the “N” word. Don’t call me that! I am a woman and not a female dog! Don’t call me that! I work hard and pay taxes just like you, don’t call me an illegal immigrant especially if I take care of your house and your children. Don’t call me that! Don’t call me unpatriotic just because I don’t buy into political pedagogy and spin as I refuse to support an unjust war or Occupy Wall Street. Don’t call me that!
God sent Peter to Cornelius’ house who happened to be a Roman soldier and a Gentile by definition. Jews didn’t eat with Gentiles it would defile them religiously but God sent Peter to Cornelius’ house. When he got there he preached to them and everyone there received the Holy Spirit even before they got baptized. They were “dirty” and still received the Holy Spirit. They got baptized after receiving the Holy Ghost! Wow! Some of us need to get baptized with the fire before we hit the water.
Today, God wants you to get out of your comfort zone and talk to somebody who other people would call nasty or uncool or unholy. It is only when we stop labeling that we allow God to move in other people’s lives that are different from us. Different doesn’t mean bad. Go in their space so you can get to know them and share the gospel.
1. Eat in the home of somebody different from you.
2. Take them to lunch and listen to their story.
3. Pray with people from different backgrounds.
4. Listen before you start preaching.
Don’t call somebody unclean when God wants you to redeem them through relationship. You can’t call them that anymore! God loves them just as much as he loved you. You know you used to be Nasty! Don’t call me that anymore.
Dear God,
Thank you for cleaning me up when I was nasty. Now help me to stop pre-judging others without going over to get to know them better. Use me to break down barriers so others who differ from me can receive the Holy Spirit and have relationship with Jesus Christ.
In Jesus Name,
The voice spoke to him a second time, “Do not call anything impure that God has made clean.”
People fear what they don’t understand. It's so easy to sit back and label other people unclean when we have been socialized to believe that because they are different they are unacceptable. For hundreds of years in America, we have been indoctrinated to believe that whites are better than blacks. Herman Cain was partially correct when he said that blacks have been brainwashed he just forgot to be inclusive in saying that White people have also been brainwashed into believing that they are superior to blacks based upon skin color. We have categorized people into categories of clean and unclean, cool and uncool, saint and sinner many times because of cultural conditioning. We have been robbed of relationship because of our labels that have been ingrained through pre-judging or prejudice. Many of us feel like the rapper T.I. when people label us before knowing us, “You might see me in the street but you don’t know me!”
To know me is to love me and many of us can’t adequately love our neighbor because we miss the opportunity to know people because we have labeled each other as conservative, liberal, dirty, sinner, cult and contemporary, secular; without taking the time to really get to know who we are on the inside.
Peter was on the rooftop praying when God gave him a vision of all the things that were forbidden for him to eat according to his religious tradition. God told him to rise and eat! Peter said, “That stuff is nasty and I never have and never will eat that.” God said, “Don’t call anything unclean that I have made clean.” Does God change his mind on what we call nasty or has what we called nasty been redeemed because God changed it?
Once we’ve been redeemed you can’t call me nasty anymore. I am not ignorant you can’t call me the “N” word. Don’t call me that! I am a woman and not a female dog! Don’t call me that! I work hard and pay taxes just like you, don’t call me an illegal immigrant especially if I take care of your house and your children. Don’t call me that! Don’t call me unpatriotic just because I don’t buy into political pedagogy and spin as I refuse to support an unjust war or Occupy Wall Street. Don’t call me that!
God sent Peter to Cornelius’ house who happened to be a Roman soldier and a Gentile by definition. Jews didn’t eat with Gentiles it would defile them religiously but God sent Peter to Cornelius’ house. When he got there he preached to them and everyone there received the Holy Spirit even before they got baptized. They were “dirty” and still received the Holy Spirit. They got baptized after receiving the Holy Ghost! Wow! Some of us need to get baptized with the fire before we hit the water.
Today, God wants you to get out of your comfort zone and talk to somebody who other people would call nasty or uncool or unholy. It is only when we stop labeling that we allow God to move in other people’s lives that are different from us. Different doesn’t mean bad. Go in their space so you can get to know them and share the gospel.
1. Eat in the home of somebody different from you.
2. Take them to lunch and listen to their story.
3. Pray with people from different backgrounds.
4. Listen before you start preaching.
Don’t call somebody unclean when God wants you to redeem them through relationship. You can’t call them that anymore! God loves them just as much as he loved you. You know you used to be Nasty! Don’t call me that anymore.
Dear God,
Thank you for cleaning me up when I was nasty. Now help me to stop pre-judging others without going over to get to know them better. Use me to break down barriers so others who differ from me can receive the Holy Spirit and have relationship with Jesus Christ.
In Jesus Name,
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Something's Missing!
Acts 8:15-16
New International Version (NIV)
15 When they arrived, they prayed for the new believers there that they might receive the Holy Spirit, 16 because the Holy Spirit had not yet come on any of them; they had simply been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.
When I first moved to Memphis around 1995, I was a youth pastor fresh out of seminary with one youth ministry assignment under my belt and now on my second call at a mega church that would become the mother church that birthed New Direction. God was preparing me for a greater assignment without me even knowing it. I remember reaching a pint of emptiness in ministry where I was reaching kids for Christ but I felt so empty myself.
One day my youth choir director, who is now my minister of music, asked me to go to a prayer meeting over to this lady’s house named, “Mother Cleveland.” I didn’t want to go over some lady’s house for prayer! It sounded boring and spooky, plus I was burnt out on religion but something was missing! So I went reluctantly to this lady’s house. It was kind of weird at first. Just a little old brick house, the room was kind of dim but there was peace pervading the house. We began to sing praises to God and pray. I felt myself letting my guards down. Then she laid her hands on me and began to pray, then she laid hands on my throat, then my stomach and told me to let go. The fire of the Holy Spirit began to stir in my belly and something was locked in my throat. The next thing I know I was on my face speaking in my prayer language for the first time in my life!
I had been baptized at 12, Convicted in my spirit at 19, called preach at 21, and filled with Holy Ghost at 26. Salvation is a process. For some this filling of the Holy Spirit comes much faster because they are more aware of what’s missing but for me it took a while to realize that something was missing.
I believe you receive the Holy Spirit as a deposit when you receive Jesus. 2 Corinthians 1: 21 Now it is God who makes both us and you stand firm in Christ. He anointed us, 22 set his seal of ownership on us, and put his Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come.
We all receive this deposit when we are born again but there is more coming through prayer and the laying on of hands. I think that might be what is missing in our churches today. We’ve done a good job in drawing a lot of people but we haven’t done a good job in filling a lot of people. Phillip had preached and baptized many people in Samaria but they had not yet received the Holy Spirit. Peter and John were sent to Samaria by the Apostles in Jerusalem as a follow up to what Phillip had been able to do. They went there so the people could receive the Holy Spirit through the laying on of hands.
When we hear the gospel and it cuts to our hearts many times we are convicted to change our behavior and head in a new direction. A seed is planted and we want to do what the word of God is saying. The problem is that we are still fleshy and prone to sin because of fleshy desires. When we are baptized it’s a statement that I’m dying only to be born again. What sustains my new birth is a second wind. When God created Adam he breathed into his nostrils the breath of Life. When we are born again God sends the Holy Spirit through prayer and the laying on of hands. The Holy Spirit is the difference between a regular church member and a Disciple of Christ. Just because you’re a member of a church doesn’t mean you are full of the Holy Spirit.
If you live by the Holy Spirit you will not keep doing stuff your body wants you to do. Read Galatians 5:16-23
How do we get what’s missing?
1. You must be born again. John 3:2-4
New International Version (NIV)
2 He came to Jesus at night and said, “Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the signs you are doing if God were not with him.”
3 Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.[a]”
2. Come to prayer meeting individually and corporately. Acts 2
The Holy Spirit Comes at Pentecost
1 When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. 2 Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. 3 They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. 4 All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues[a] as the Spirit enabled them.
3. Keep regular spiritual disciplines such as prayer, fasting, and reading God’s word. Read Isaiah 58. Make sure you practice true fasting go to
Dear God,
Help me to fill what’s missing in my life. I want to be filled with the Holy Spirit so I can live out this abundant life that Jesus died for me to have. I don’t want a form of Godliness but no power to go with it. Fill me till there’s more of you than me.
In Jesus name,
New International Version (NIV)
15 When they arrived, they prayed for the new believers there that they might receive the Holy Spirit, 16 because the Holy Spirit had not yet come on any of them; they had simply been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.
When I first moved to Memphis around 1995, I was a youth pastor fresh out of seminary with one youth ministry assignment under my belt and now on my second call at a mega church that would become the mother church that birthed New Direction. God was preparing me for a greater assignment without me even knowing it. I remember reaching a pint of emptiness in ministry where I was reaching kids for Christ but I felt so empty myself.
One day my youth choir director, who is now my minister of music, asked me to go to a prayer meeting over to this lady’s house named, “Mother Cleveland.” I didn’t want to go over some lady’s house for prayer! It sounded boring and spooky, plus I was burnt out on religion but something was missing! So I went reluctantly to this lady’s house. It was kind of weird at first. Just a little old brick house, the room was kind of dim but there was peace pervading the house. We began to sing praises to God and pray. I felt myself letting my guards down. Then she laid her hands on me and began to pray, then she laid hands on my throat, then my stomach and told me to let go. The fire of the Holy Spirit began to stir in my belly and something was locked in my throat. The next thing I know I was on my face speaking in my prayer language for the first time in my life!
I had been baptized at 12, Convicted in my spirit at 19, called preach at 21, and filled with Holy Ghost at 26. Salvation is a process. For some this filling of the Holy Spirit comes much faster because they are more aware of what’s missing but for me it took a while to realize that something was missing.
I believe you receive the Holy Spirit as a deposit when you receive Jesus. 2 Corinthians 1: 21 Now it is God who makes both us and you stand firm in Christ. He anointed us, 22 set his seal of ownership on us, and put his Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come.
We all receive this deposit when we are born again but there is more coming through prayer and the laying on of hands. I think that might be what is missing in our churches today. We’ve done a good job in drawing a lot of people but we haven’t done a good job in filling a lot of people. Phillip had preached and baptized many people in Samaria but they had not yet received the Holy Spirit. Peter and John were sent to Samaria by the Apostles in Jerusalem as a follow up to what Phillip had been able to do. They went there so the people could receive the Holy Spirit through the laying on of hands.
When we hear the gospel and it cuts to our hearts many times we are convicted to change our behavior and head in a new direction. A seed is planted and we want to do what the word of God is saying. The problem is that we are still fleshy and prone to sin because of fleshy desires. When we are baptized it’s a statement that I’m dying only to be born again. What sustains my new birth is a second wind. When God created Adam he breathed into his nostrils the breath of Life. When we are born again God sends the Holy Spirit through prayer and the laying on of hands. The Holy Spirit is the difference between a regular church member and a Disciple of Christ. Just because you’re a member of a church doesn’t mean you are full of the Holy Spirit.
If you live by the Holy Spirit you will not keep doing stuff your body wants you to do. Read Galatians 5:16-23
How do we get what’s missing?
1. You must be born again. John 3:2-4
New International Version (NIV)
2 He came to Jesus at night and said, “Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the signs you are doing if God were not with him.”
3 Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.[a]”
2. Come to prayer meeting individually and corporately. Acts 2
The Holy Spirit Comes at Pentecost
1 When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. 2 Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. 3 They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. 4 All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues[a] as the Spirit enabled them.
3. Keep regular spiritual disciplines such as prayer, fasting, and reading God’s word. Read Isaiah 58. Make sure you practice true fasting go to
Dear God,
Help me to fill what’s missing in my life. I want to be filled with the Holy Spirit so I can live out this abundant life that Jesus died for me to have. I don’t want a form of Godliness but no power to go with it. Fill me till there’s more of you than me.
In Jesus name,
Friday, October 14, 2011
Fighting through a Disconnect

Have you ever been in a position where you felt so disconnected from family, friends, career or even God? While sitting in a local restaurant with my wife, during my annual sabbatical this year, I realized that I had become disconnected from the very people I was called to serve. It was from that personal experience that my Leadia experience, "Fighting through a Disconnect", was birthed. I invite you to go to and download the FREE app to your iPhone, iPad or iPod and enjoy this insightful, interactive experience. God Bless!
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